Light Cycle Arena

8v8 Breakout

Map Description

  1. CaptainDireWolf
    - Made the track more open for better flow
    - Scripted some of the cycles to move on their own
    - Increased the teleporter range so it matched the light tails
    - Fixed some spawning bugs

    “Might I suggest, perhaps, the challenge of the grid?”
    That’s right everyone. At long last you can now battle it up in the Light Cycle Arena based on the awesome movie: Tron. Chose to fight for the users (Blue team) or fight for the programs (Red team). As you leap into the arena, quickly choose your light cycle and prepare to fight for your life as light cycles clash against one another around the arena. Use your light trails behind you to kill off the other combatants and be the last one standing. Beware, light trails don't distinguish friend from foes...

    (Good for 2-16 players. For the most fun, use my gametype: “The Grid”, or simple Breakout works just as well)
    It is also highly recommended to play the song: “The Game has Changed” by Daft Punk in the background as you play this game for an extra fun experience.

    The map itself is contained within two levels and several ramps allow smooth passage between, which you can use to your advantage if you aim to cut off another combatant’s path or jump over them. Several other light cycles (green) are dispersed around the map simply for added obstructions. Don’t get caught in their light trails or its game over.

    As always, I love suggestions for improvement so feel free to leave comments below. (Currently having difficulties scripting the welded green vehicles to move like I want them to. I also would have liked to have some of the floors flip and rotate like in the movie, but again scripting seems to be having issues as the floors don’t line back up after rotating… ugh) Still, I enjoy this mini game nonetheless if nothing for the sweet tron-inspired lighting aesthetics.
    Hit the download button and then add CaptainDireWolf on xbox live to access my bookmarks. (You can find this map in my file share. For some reason the bookmark for this one is being weird).

    As in the words of Sam Fynn: “What are you supposed to do?”
    BLOODxcrazer and PharmaGangsta1 like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Great glow and lighting aesthetics based on the movie. Your use of the welding glitch again is certainly impressive. Wish the light cycles didn't flip over so easily. Also, it would make things faster-paced if the tails were longer I think.


  1. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Simple idea to create some variation... Use the A symbol to create directionnal arrows and put mancannon in the ground to create a boost. It could be really cool and add some strategy in the battle.
  2. THE CUJ0

    THE CUJ0 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    This is doing to be so freaking awesome once you get everything worked out. I'm thinking though that it should be more open though... But beautiful work. Well done!
  3. CaptainDireWolf

    CaptainDireWolf Forger of the Wild
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    CaptainDireWolf updated Light Cycle Arena with a new update entry:

    Light Cycle Arena

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. CaptainDireWolf

    CaptainDireWolf Forger of the Wild
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good ideas Black Racher! I've added the "A" symbols to create triangles on the slopes like in the movie. As for the man cannons however, I've found the vehicles get stuck on them a lot. Not sure how to fix this or if there is something that I'm missing that allows warthogs to use them...

    Thanks for the input CUJ0! I will try to make the map more open so the battle flows more smoothly.
  5. THE CUJ0

    THE CUJ0 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    I'm thinking that by removing the center pieces on the bottom floor, it'll allow us to open up our speed a bit more. Because of the potential flipping hazard, the The less we have to turn the better. My friends like your map btw. : )
  6. CaptainDireWolf

    CaptainDireWolf Forger of the Wild
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So you mean I should remove the whole center section and make it simply flat? Would that be better?
  7. CaptainDireWolf

    CaptainDireWolf Forger of the Wild
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    CaptainDireWolf updated Light Cycle Arena with a new update entry:

    Light Cycle Arena

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Played this in my last lobby and I do have some feedback.

    • Is there really no way for the minigame to work while having stuff welded to the vehicles? The vehicles actually looking like the Tron bikes was the map's best selling point and without it, everything's kinda stale. Think of it like your Podracer map but with just regular Ghosts.
    • Your gametype could use some work. Is there a life limit? Maybe set it to 3 lives. Not sure about this though because I only died twice before I had to end the game early. The whole lobby was complaining too much about the map.
    • Players shouldn't be allowed to walk on the arena. If they leave their vehicle, they should be teleported to their death. Maybe have a separate platform where the vehicles are that teleports players into the arena at the start of the match.
    • The arena itself could do with some work too. The ramps you slapped around just seem kinda lazy. You could at least create some more interesting geometry than just a basic ramp. Same goes for the two entrances to the bottom floor of the arena.
    That's all I got for now. I surely hope you can address that first bullet point.
  9. CaptainDireWolf

    CaptainDireWolf Forger of the Wild
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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