Liberation of the Oasis


Map Description

  1. dwerner6262
    Search the gamertag dwerner6262 to download the map. It requires a Custom Gamemode: Adventure.

    Liberation of the OASIS

    Explore the desert, collect credits, buy weapons, upgrade vehicles, solve puzzles, conquer parkour, defeat bosses, and free the barren land of the oppressive harvester.
    1-2 hours

    This map is intended to be played solo. Feel free to try playing with more than one person with the possibility that the map may break.

    The forge budget is strained to its max so there are various visual glitches and blotchy shadows.

    Have fun : )
    Blaze likes this.


  1. NukeOhio2024

    NukeOhio2024 ONI Agent

    Likes Received:
    Holy **** dude nice work

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