Legacy (Competitive)

4v4 Capture the Flag

Map Description

  1. The Jacka11
    Although new to forgehub, I have been working on various designs of this map for the past few games and finally made one that I was confident in. This map is truly unique because of the infinite jumps/routes, ancient covenant structures, and original design. BlueCupCaptain, and Chaniz for helping me nail this. Feedback is always appreciated!

    Check Out Gameplay! (Sorry I couldn't embed)
    https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/game-clips?page=1&gamertag=The Jacka11#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_gameclip_The Jacka11_c4d24e28-37d4-45a4-88e5-500b5630a37a

    1st Picture (Ending Cut Scene)

    2nd Picture (View of Camo and Catwalk)
    Shrubbery and certain structures make this area of the map very enjoyable because of jumps that allow you to get Camo or die trying.

    3rd Picture (View Of Beam Rifle)
    A aesthetic lift allows to reach tower 2 and grab the sniper. Not in position? Just jump on top of the arches and get there just as fast. Also plasma gernades spawn for each team on this side which allows for solid combat evolve medals. The shields can also be easily be melted and have a longer respawn than the Truth shields.

    4th Picture (Arches and Nest)
    This map offers plenty of vertical combat which make the red and blue nests a prime power position (the map is symmetrical). However, there are jumps from bottom mid that allow you flank so watch out!

    5th Picture (Blue Base)
    The bases offer close corner combat and a variety of weapons. Again, certain jumps allow to to actually get over Blue Wall, but watch out! Some areas contain timed kill volumes which make this areas perfect for just a quick escape and not a power position.

    6th Picture (Bottom Mid)
    Although the most vulnerable spot on the map, players will still cycle through to grab sword, run a flag bottom mid, or move through the bog to grab camo. Recon DMR's and frag gernades also spawn bottom mid.

    7th Picture (Another View of Bottom Mid from Red Nest)

    8th Picture (Red bridge and Red Flag)
    Special FX fire was used to label bases instead of colored blocks. I find it less clownish. With a skilled flag juggle you can actually run the flag across red/blue nest through this opening.

    Congrats if you read this far. The map has all matchmaking standards including spawn zones for CTF. I tested this map through the past four weeks and it really is a nice change of pace from traditional Midship style of maps. Give it a chance and let me know.
    Deevius Bone and SgtSlaphead like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Avengr Avengr
    Aesthetically pleasing, but really shines through its fluid and fast-paced gameplay. I know I'm biased since I watched him make it, but the map really does speak for itself. There are a lot of great jumps that let you juke those pesky chasers, and power positions that are strong, but still require help from your teammates to keep. We've play tested the heck out of this while scrimming for challenger league, and all the first timers loved it. Give it a shot and I'm sure it won't be the last time you play it!


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