1. Version 1.4 Update: Textures, water, scripting and more!


    Hey everyone!

    Since the release of textures, increased object count, forge bug fixes, more props, etc., I decided it was finally time to go back and update Turbine. Here are a list of the changes I've made to the map:

    1. Updated textures
    • I've updated a lot of the map to use the new textures that came out with forge about a month ago. Changes include the beach wall (now stone), catwalks/bridges (now forerunner to look metal), floors (now concrete), and more.
    2. Editing invisible barriers on map/kill boundaries
    • With the increase in objects, I was able to make the boundaries of the map more precise, and now players can not break out of the map without dying. Have fun trying :)
    3. Interactive objects/scripting
    • Since forge bugs have been squashed and objects have been added, I have been able to make Turbine more like its ancestors. These changes include a working wheel (YAY!), a working drop bridge (YAY!) and breakable window covers (YAY!)!
    4. Water and backdrop
    • Again, since there was an increase to the object count I was able to add water and islands to the beach. Some people have requested I either move the map to the water of Alpine or copy it over to Tidal. The problem is that is a lot of work I don't have the time to do it. The map still looks beautiful and includes lighting and sound fx to enhance the experience.
    5. More detail/polishing to the map
    • Because of the increased object count, I was able to add more objects to the map to give it more detail. This includes natural pieces, lights, fx, sound fx, accent pieces, etc. I also went back and polished up a lot of the map to make it more smooth.
    6. Halo Waypoint basic map requirements
    • I will be submitting this map to the classic remakes forum on Halo Waypoint. Therefore, I've updated the map to meet the basic requirements each submitted map should have.

    I think that is it. Please let me know what you think of the map, if you find anything wrong, etc.

    Have fun!

    DazeJet and D4rkDeath like this.
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