1. Turbine V1.2 Update Changes

    Hey everyone!

    Last night I decided to go back through my map and make some changes based on feedback from the community, and what I felt was necessary to change.

    Here are the list of changes added to Turbine V1.2:

    • Stronghold zone sizes have been modified to fit better in their locations on the map
    • The turbine cap has been placed closer to the turbine (so it is more like Last Resort)
    • 1 mongoose from the beach and the base has been replaced with a gungoose
    • Plasma grenades replace splinter grenades near the Plasma Casters (Camp Froman and Camo Tower)
    • Barriers have been added to the turret bridges
    • Out of bounds zones have been tweaked
    • Relocated the gate switch to the center of the catwalk and added a barrier in front of it
    • Added a few props

    That's all for now. Please let me know if you like these changes, don't like them, or think anything else should be modified on the map. I will continue looking at feedback and making changes as needed.

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