1. Getting Ready for MatchMaking! Part 1

    Getting Ready for MatchMaking! Part 1

    Hey everyone! I'm back with another HUGE update for Turbine. As many of you know, a Halo 3 Classic Playlist is coming to Halo 5, and I have been informed that my Last Resort remake is being heavily considered for the playlist. Because of that, I have made many changes to the map. Strap in, here we go:

    • Weapon spawns- All weapon locations and ammo count (and power ups) have been changed to their original Halo 3 locations. There are still a few different weapons (Grenade Launcher replaces Brute shot, Storm Rifle replaces Spiker, Splinter Grenades and Plasma Grenades replace Spike Grenades), but it's 99% the same. This includes vehicles as well (basically replacing Gungooses with Mongooses).

    • Map redesign- Again, since the playlist is going to focus on Halo 3, I had to make the map resemble Last Resort more then it already was, instead of going for a Zanzibar/Last Resort hybrid. The main change for this is inside the main building, but there are a few other changes here and there as well. I also added destructible walls to the side of the main base and to the hole in the sea wall.

    • Framerate/object count reduction- This was a BIG issue previously with the map. If you were on top of the sea wall looking at the wheel, or on the back catwalk looking at the wheel you would notice a big drop in framerate. Because of this, I had to redesign some parts of the map with objects that cause less framerate issues and larger/ more efficient objects that would take down the object count. I reduced the map by almost 200 objects so far, and the framerate is a lot better! It's still not perfect, but it will be by the time I'm done! Thank you @NOKYARD for your help with this so far :)

    • Wheel redesign- The wheel originally took up about 63 objects. I was able to get it down to 20ish thanks to @SoS Darth Algar! He also helped out with some of the other scripting on the map too :)

    • The wheel spins!!!- Yup, that's right. The wheel finally spins! No jitters, it moves perfectly when interacting with players and vehicles, it works multiple rounds, etc. HUGE thanks to @RPG3000 (aka rpgallagher) for figuring out a working method! Thank you to all those out there who also took the time to try and make it spin :)

    There's still A LOT more to do to this map to get it ready to be considered for matchmaking, but I thought you guys would like an update :)

    I'm using a new map file, and it isn't visible yet. I'll try to update that tonight if I have time.

    PLEASE LEAVE ANY FEEDBACK YOU HAVE FOR THE MAP, GOOD OR BAD! I would really appreciate it! We need to try to get this map to be the best it can be :)

    Forge on!

    RPG3000 and eLantern like this.
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