Hey all! It's been a long time since I created / uploaded something new. As I've said before, I work on fun maps like my Halo NBA and volleyball, but I also said I love to create infection maps that heavily rely on environment and fear. So, today I am unveiling Labyrinth! (Not yet finished)
*V1.1 MAIN Update and Bugs Update added 2nd June,4:09am
"Curiosity always leads to danger " Locked inside a Labyrinth, a group of Spartan explorers must unveil the mystery behind this ancient place in order to survive, however the Labyrinth is only lit by candles and monster is lurking in the shadows. Will you survive, or will you become another corpse?
The official game mode for Labyrinth (Which may be altered) is "The Maze Beast". In this game mode, the survivors have no radar, no abilities and cannot kill the infected. The infected also cannot use abilities, but is slower than the survivors, meaning the best way to hunt survivors is to flank them, hide or wait for them to hit a dead end. Survivors earn 1 point per each second they live, and to win they must live for 5 minutes.
> Lighting bug. Although the map is completely closed off, day light still manages to get through and even pixelates some blocks. In order to nullify this bug, I have changed the environment, and also made the roof of the Labyrinth metallic black. This seems to have improved the bug a lot, however it is still present, and as far as I've heard there is no fix so far. Improvising
> The blue skull does not send a message to door, making it raise higher, unlike the red and green skull. All these skulls have the same logic, but only 1 doesn't work. This means that sometimes you can get under the door and sometimes you cannot. I will be looking into detail as why this is happening, but in the main time I have no fix. No Fix Yet
> Forge Bug: Okay, so another reason this update has taken so long is because forge seems to be playing up, again -.- For example, some blocks became transparent and passable, and would fade in and out. This was fixed by deleting the block and copying it and placing it again. Another bug was that my map would start randomly deleting blocks and objects, and making invisible blocks on my map?!?!?! After replacing the objects, the deleting objects glitch hasn't happened again, and as for the invisible blocks glitch I have no idea what happened, I was just running around and noticed there was an invisible wall with a script line, and was labeled as an object it was not. This object didn't even show in forge. So I clicked randomly and ta dare! A random wall appeared out of nowhere, the script line vanished and the correct label showed! Once deleted I had no problems, but I still have no idea what's going on. Seems Clear
So as of now, Labyrinth is solely a run and hide map, but this is not the overall intention and never was from the get go. This map is designed to have objectives as well as just survive to add more fun and interaction to the map. The secrets on this map are not just cosmetic, but in time will actually be part of the mystery and objective of this map. Some secrets are sealed off for now to. Here is what to come:
The Labyrinth Door:
You're probably thinking, the map is cool and what not, but it is actually pretty small, and that door does nothing. This is where you are / will be wrong. This map is going to get a lot bigger once the Labyrinth door quest is implemetned and complete. To open the door, you must find the 3 skulls around the 1st Labyrinth and bring them back to the door. Once all 3 skulls have been placed, the door will trigger and open, and reveal the 2nd Labyrinth. That's right, there will be another Labyrinth behind that door, with more secrets, more danger and more quests. This will be coming to V1.1 in the near future, and I also intend to make a 3rd Stage to
You think the map is too easy? A monster wont be the only thing in your way in V1.2 as the implementation of traps will soon be in effect, as the god of the Labyrinth grows raged by your efforts to make it out alive with integrity. She has had enough of you living, and will do everything she can to stop you escaping!
As of now, these are my main upcoming updates, but rest assured, I hope to add even more in the future!