Labyrinth is an asymmetrical Big Team Battle map with exceptionally dynamic gameplay. It was inspired by Vex architecture from Destiny, and its layout (is not a re-creation of) but uses the man cannon idea from Bungie's map, Crossroads. The map consists of red and blue side with two neutral zones. Top and bottom. Top neutral zone is accessed VIA teleporter or man cannon. And the bottom neutral zone is apart of the rest of the map and can be accessed just by getting there on foot.
There are four vehicles on this map, red ghost, blue ghost, neutral hog, and neutral banshee.
Download the map from Sushi Shikigami if you would like to play it with your friends.
That is Labyrinth, download it from Sushi Shikigami and play it with your friends.
This map works with Slayer, Strongholds, Assault, and CTF.
Leave your feedback so this map can be improved in future releases.