For DOWNLOAD go to JITTERdUdE ON xboxlive.
Summary: Climate control systems in the Zeta Halo Library have failed, plunging its environs one hundred degrees below zero.
Labyrinth is meant to resemble the architecture found in the Library on the first two halo rings. The primary antechamber is massive, with three main levels and four powerlifts that propel players horizontally across the map, so as to reduce travel time. This map is 100% meant to be played with a large team roster, preferably 12 v 12. It is compatible with ctf and strongholds, along with btb. Originally the map was actually larger and meant to accommodate vehicles (which seems insane to me now), but i reduced it in size so as to make it more focused on infantry combat. I know this entry is scant now, so i will post more pictures in the future. For downloading or playing, just go to JITTERdUdE on xboxlive. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys. Also if people have trouble accessing the map, just comment down below.