Kings Fall (WIP)


Map Description

  1. Beercules
    "Kings Fall" was originally built to be purely aesthetic; a re-construction of the Raid's finale arena, with Oryx towering overhead. However, after seeing TOKETAKE's work on creating a Boss Battle with Mitake Machine, I decided to try and adapt the map into a mini-game that could emulate the basic mechanics.

    Construction is still focused on the aesthetics, with Oryx being the current priority. In my last play test, I stripped away multiple sections of the roof so that the natural light available on the Parallax canvas could brighten the arena.

    After the announcement that Infection will be coming to Halo 5 with the Memories of Reach expansion, I have begun testing my scripts on test canvases. Scripting with the use of Power Cores works well for emulating the Knights/Ogres as timers can be linked to their destruction. Player controls and their timers for Oryx have also been tested, so that the Alpha infected could choose to move Oryx to a platform of their choice. Most of the script elements are still being worked on (with me desperately scribbling notes onto paper with various ideas on how to re-create certain mechanics) so I will keep you all updated on my progress. If anyone happens to have any scripting ideas of their own, please feel free to comment or message me! (Of course, when the map is finalized you'd be credited for the help!)

    Obviously, I understand that this may be slightly just that little bit impossible, but there's no harm in trying! So far, all of the work seems promising, as a majority of the scripts involve timers, and the new Forge mechanics mean moving grouped structures *cough* Oryx *cough* is actually a possibility.

    Thanks for 'avin a gander, and I hope to update you all with progress as soon as I can!


    Have been unable to spawn correctly on the map since the Ghosts of Meridian update, and so no progress can be made until this issue is fixed. Once I've loaded in, I'm stuck in monitor form, unable to move or see my inventory etc. I believe that this issue was previously fixed(?), but I'm not entirely sure. If anyone else is experiencing this problem post-update, please let me know!
    Ryouji Gunblade likes this.

Recent Reviews

    Been waiting for someone to attempt this!


  1. LegitimateTB

    LegitimateTB Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Hey there! Firstly, awesome looking map. I got tweeted this a couple days ago and im still mindblown by all of what you've created, its awesome! About your forge issue, i highly suggest tweeting your issue to halo, 343 and any personnel who work on forge so it can be fixed immediately! Also a waypoint forum wouldnt do no harm as well. Can i ask, do you already have spawns on your map? If you don't then theres your problem!
  2. Ryouji Gunblade

    Ryouji Gunblade Legendary

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    That Oryx is legit. I'm already watching for the knights to spawn. The ancient Hive architecture and bone dust is good too.
  3. Beercules

    Beercules Promethean

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    I thought this might be the issue! I somewhat remember the patch notes from Hammer of the Storm, and this issue was one of the Forge updates. Before GoM, I've had no trouble spawning without having placed any of my own spawn points, but post-GoM the issue seems to have returned. Glad to know that's the problem, but still have no way of fixing aside from tweeting them! Thanks for the response, by the way. It has a long way to go!
  4. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Love this!
  5. superzeroIT

    superzeroIT Legendary

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    hey, to fix the spawning glitch get a friend in the game after you opened the map in forge, he should be able to place a spwanpoint, then save and reload the map!

    I hope this helps!
  6. OGWhaleGod

    OGWhaleGod Legendary

    Likes Received:
    this looks amazing!

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