
8v8 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Chronmeister

    Players: 14-16
    Power Weapons: Binary Rifle 180s 2clips, Fuel Rod 180s 1clip, Needler 90s 2clips, Shotgun 90s 1clip, Plasma Pistol 90s
    Powerups: Overshield 120s

    For those who have nothing better to do, here is a rough work report of how the map was constructed. I probably wouldn't read it either :)

    Phase 1: In a way, this project began the first day forge was released. I was drawn to this river area on Alpine from the moment I saw it. I made a few attempts at starting a map there, but nothing really felt right so I never saved any of it. I think it was on the way home from work one day that the map name popped into my head. The name itself actually inspired me to forge the map. I had to figure out how to make that name fit something, and I had always wanted to forge a map on that special spot on Alpine where the river changes elevation. Something clicked kinda and I started to work on it.

    Phase 2: It took a couple of 4 hour forge sessions to pump out the all natural terrain blockout. Rocks can be quite a challenge. I then spent a bunch more time polishing the map up before its first playtest in it's 100% terrain state. Playtests were a blast and the map flowed really well, but there was an obvious lack of landmarks on the map. I originally wanted the map to be all natural, but I decided to experiment with a few ideas anyway just to see if anything looked decent enough to keep

    Phase 3: The first additions I made to the map were a log cabin and a ranger station/Watchtower along with a small dam on the upper river end. After a few more tests, it was clear this wasn't enough, so I decided to go with the forunner theme because it would be a natural fit . I added the two mid bases first after experimenting with multiple designs. The simplest one actually looked the best. The towers were a simple design, but served my purpose of empowering those weak areas while maintaining my current routes. After testing the map with these new additions, some still thought more landmarks were needed for player orientation.

    Phase 4: At this point, I added the final two landmarks which are also the spawn locations of the Needler and the Shotgun. The map was almost done, but then word dropped of new PLANTS! I was stoked when I saw the pictures and started mentally placing them in areas of the map. They were the perfect icing to the map and really help contrast the rocks. The map was complete and all I had to do was test out how it played with the new Rocket Hog addition. You can see how devastating it can be in the video.

    Thank You to everyone who has helped me test this out and offered feedback. Without your suggestions, the map wouldn't be what it is today.

    Here are a few pics that went over my 9 image limit.





    I hope you guys like the map! :)

    GT: Chronmeister
    Map: Kingfisher

Recent Reviews

  1. Playing this map there was no boring engagements, the layout is very nicely woven together in a dynamic way, from the vehicle battles to infantry assaults, this map definitely was enjoyable


  1. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Such an impressive looking map. You achieved such a large scale map, yet it doesn't lack detail. Most impressive is that I have a good sense of the map's layout from just watching the video. The landmarks you created and the overall layout of the map make it easy to and quick to grasp.
    Xandrith and Chronmeister like this.
  2. TruncateComb6

    TruncateComb6 Legendary

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    I tested this map on Max's stream yesterday. I greatly enjoyed this version of your map, even more so than the first submission, which was already fun.

    - Your updated aesthetics have gone from good to excellent. Excellent usage of the new foliage for a more wilderness overgrown effect. The map looks beautiful, and every detail helps in this regard. Great work Chronmeister!

    - The change to rocket hogs was surprisingly enjoyable. I loved how the infantry combat on the map feels stealthy and complex, and then there are the rocket hogs driving around blowing the hell out of everything. I'd definitely keep them!

    - Weapon layout is very well balanced in my opinion.

    - The addition of Forerunner structures was a very smart move, both for gameplay and aesthetics. Gameplay wise, it added variety to the corners of the maps as well as markers for easier navigation. For aesthetics, I understand you added these after the initial map was constructed, yet they don't feel like that. The new forerunner structures are well constructed, and feel like they are part of the map. The all-terrain approach is interesting, but the addition of a few small structures really brings the layout home.

    - Spawning worked very well on my end.

    - My only concern is that some of the Warthog driving lanes are still a bit bumpy and narrow. While it is great in many areas, some of the warthog driving lanes along the sides scare me both as a passenger and a driver. Basically a couple of little terrain adjustments would likely fix this, as it isn't a horrendous issue, just an idea from me.

    TL;DR - Map aesthetics and location discernment greatly improved. Forerunner buildings are excellent, weapon layout and spawning worked well. Rocket Hogs were a blast, in more ways than one.

    I'd recommend this map to anyone looking for a unique BTB experience and a good time. Thanks for letting us play Chronmeister, fantastic job! I look forward to any more work you submit!
    Xandrith and Chronmeister like this.
  3. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  4. xNemesis 217

    xNemesis 217 Legendary

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    I just have to say that your natural terrain is on point in this map. Great work!
    Chronmeister likes this.
  5. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've really been enjoying this map when there isnt only one spawn, but id like to play it a couple more times before review so I feel i have something more to say on it. Overall Excellent work! The changes you have added with the bases and what not has really helped navigation i believe. one thing I would recommend is helping to create a difference between your sender and receiver nodes for your teleporters. Over all though I love the direction and feel of the map as well as the process from the start to here Good work!
    Chronmeister likes this.
  6. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Chronmeister updated Kingfisher with a new update entry:

    Warthog path and Strongholds update

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    TruncateComb6 and Doctor Squishy like this.

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