Junk N' Dump

8v8 Strongholds

Map Description

  1. HoboSteeveJacko
    Junk N' Dump, A salvage for the broken and obsolete. A place where one man's trash can be another's treasure. Just don't let these junkyard dogs tear you to scraps in this frantic and intense Attrition map.


  1. HoboSteeveJacko

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    Once again I owe a huge thank you too several people on so much great work. First off Resachi, for his amazing scripting on the crane in the map. Managing to build and balance the opperations from the ground up was truely amazing to watch. Res isn't the only scripter i owe thanks to. Val1ant w0lf also helped a great deal with his weather patterns and fx scripting (both sound and visual) to make the map more immersive. Also as always Kawecki for helping build the sunset to make it feel more atmospheric.
    b0b is here likes this.

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