Scripters: AddiCt3d 2CHa0s & Yumudas Beegbut
Map Concept and Design: FatKidForger
Juggernaut Classic is a Minigame scripted by AddiCt3d 2CHa0s & Yumudas Beegbut that mimics the classic Juggernaut feel. Juggy Nuggies is a map designed specifically for the gametype, by PooEveryFriday. Juggernaught Classic has the following features:
* Is an FFA where all non-Juggernauts are "Friendlies"
* Friendly damage against other friendlies is very low
* Friendlies have navs to help prevent confusion
* Juggernaut always has a "Hostile" nav and cannot see Friendly navs
* Random Juggernaut is chosen at game start
* Juggernaut has higher health and shields, and regens faster. He moves faster, has a more lethal melee, and can ground pound.
* Juggernaut cannot be assassinated
* Only Juggernaut can score by kills
* Only Juggernaut can grab hammer (other weapons do very low damage)
Juggernaut Classic minidoc:
Juggernaut Classic gameplay: