Jade Oasis

4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. SimmonsZore
    Welcome to what is left
    of the Jade Oasis
    Jade Oasis was a 2v2 map I've been working for awhile. After having Forger's block for about a mouth, I decided to make it bigger to support more players. I tried my best to theme the map to Santorini, an island in the Aegean Sea, and Syria's ancient ruins. (Go ahead and Google those to see what I mean)

    As of now, Jade Oasis only supports Slayer and Strongholds but will include more gametypes later on. I would love to hear your feedback and any input to expand upon this creation.

    *Just encase the Download link doesn't work, simply add me on Xbox.
    GT: SimmonsZore

Recent Reviews

  1. Great map


  1. SimmonsZore

    SimmonsZore Promethean

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  2. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks great! Going to try it in my customs tonight!

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