
1v1 Slayer

Map Description

  1. iParanormal
    Lockout and Guardian - two asymmetrical maps of similar philosophical design with interconnecting pathways between power positions. Irontide brings to the table a vision of similar perspective wherein players can creatively navigate by exploring the vast options when jumping throughout the map. With a sniper and its counterpart, an invis, the balance of Irontide weighs solely on the skill and cunning of the players in battle. Explore Irontide and see for yourself the countless opportunities to exercise your dexterity to outwit your opponent. PS. A street cone is hidden somewhere in the map! :)
    Campaign leaderboard position: Halo:CE Pillar of Autumn 10:07 on Nomral difficulty
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  1. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Lots of interesting lines of sight on this map. Their well controlled, with varied lengths.
    I can definitely see some areas where you took inspiration from other Halo maps, but there are also plenty of areas that feel fresh/new.
    The map doesn't have a super large footprint, but the overlap makes it play a bit on the larger side. I think this it's well suited for 2v2 play.

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