
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Nova0821
    Sorry for the jump in versions I've been a little busy lately. But anyway I've changed the skybox and done a little work with the lights along with adjusting over shield spwan as well as fixing the load out cameras.
    I'll have a video of the new layout soon.

    Iris was originally inspired by citadel from halo 3 and a little bit by Zealot from halo reach, I would also like to thank everyone that have helped with advice and play testing.

    P.S. if u have any feed back on the map from ur own personal games please let me know.

    To download any of my maps or send feed back my GT is Str8LineNova
    ShierWhiteFaNG and SgtSlaphead like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. From the 2v2's we have had here, this was a fun creation! The design of walkways provided interesting ways to engage challenges or, in my case, run away when to going gets tough. There were times where I got alittle lost but the color coding of red and blue sides cleansed my vertigo. However, that color coding took me out of the beautiful theme of the map, like it was not suppose to be there.

    Overall, I love the work. The map plays splendidly! and should be give a bookmark
  2. Ty Rex2033 Ty Rex2033
    So I did a brief walk-through with Str8LineNova on his IRIS 0.2.5 version,
    Firstly the map is well done on my principles design, function, accents, and lighting. The line-of-sight is setup well, from the top floor to the bottom. I see the map is decently sized for standard 4v4 gametypes potentially more. The curves to the map are well polished and bend without any jagged edges. IRIS is well-lit with gloss finishes and weapon placement. The call-outs make sense and the pallet of the map defiantly shows the team bases Red vs Blue game-style. With all I've seen the map is obviously a fantastic forgers pristine execution and talent. I hope this map does well after Str8LineNova officially completes this and moves on to his next project.

    10/10 excellent map, didn't get a five star because I see potential and I'm only posting off of the basis of the 0.2.5 variant.

    ,Well done hope to see more soon


  1. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
    Senior Member

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    This map may have great potential, but the screenshots are taken with a potato... lol When on Xbox One you can double tap the Dashboard button and press X for a screenshot or Y to record the previous 30 seconds as a video. Then goto and search for your gamertag and you can link screenshots from there. Upload multiple angles of the map and usually an overhead view if possible.
  2. Nova0821

    Nova0821 Promethean

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    Yeah I took them with my fone the other night for a friend to see and I've been trying to do a video but I'm to indecisive to make a descent one.
  3. SgtSlaphead

    SgtSlaphead Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I had a great time playing this map. Definitely upload proper screenshots with a video when you can.
  4. Nova0821

    Nova0821 Promethean

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    Just up loaded new pics.
    SgtSlaphead likes this.
  5. SgtSlaphead

    SgtSlaphead Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nice! The maps looking even better than when I last saw it.
  6. Nova0821

    Nova0821 Promethean

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    I'll have a video up hopefully tomorrow thanks to the help of AsbetosTuba39

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