Invasion (4v4)


Map Description

  1. LordNojang
    Invasion is an attempt at a multi-layered arena map which I am submitting into the 4v4 contest. This map is structured mostly out of crates and industrial buildings, such as a refrigerator and multiple storage rooms.

    I was inspired by my love for building cities, but the main reason for it was an observation I made about 343 arena maps, that is, they all have multiple layers, good flow, and cover. The most challenging part is interpreting that into forge.

    I have some known issues in the map, all of which can be patched at some point, including some light bake issues and map superiority. this includes where the "hot spots" for camping, weapons, etc. are as opposed to the spots which lack cover or good weapons. I tried to balance it out the best I could, which means some spots up high lack in cover or are very small. Grenades and auto weapons are very powerful on this map. The other known issue is the large fridge door getting stuck and blocking movement for a short while. I will have to move it to a position which does not make this happen, although the overall affect is minimal.

    So, the map itself has an obvious centerpiece; a phantom hovering over top mid, along with two others outside port. The surrounding area is made up of a city, which can be best seen from high points in the map. The areas include a storage base, a conveyor belt, a fridge, a storage tower, a couple cargo crates, and the phantom.

    Power Weapons include:
    Beam Rifle - Phantom
    Saw - Lower shipping tower
    Needler - Fridge
    Shotgun - Catwalk
    DMR - Sniper post

    Powerups: Overshield - Mid

    The map should be played with Slayer, Doubles, Strongholds, or FFA. Other gamemodes such as CTF are to be announced.

    "Where are the good weapons?"
    A: Anywhere with a building, although most are on the top level
    "Why can you get on top of the Phantom?"
    A: It's an exposed position with limit view range. Counter with BR or Magnum if possible.
    "Why is there lag?"
    A: The map has hundreds of crates. The FPS has been playable while testing so far
    "Why is it so hard to get to the top level?"
    A: Clamber is your best friend for mobility on this map. In fact, it is the only way to get up without respawning up there.

    Extra Info:
    Made by XxLordNojangxX
    Easter Egg Count: 3
    Time to make: appx 5 days forging, 2 days testing
    Lead Tester: T3MPERedlion
    credits: HFC
    ZombieDyer likes this.


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