6v6 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Darkalco
    Here is intricate its a 6v6 symmertrical map with multiple floors each with quick and easy routes especially clambering to travel around the map. It supports slayer, strongholds, ctf and neutral flag.
    Weapons on map

    Rocket launcher x 1
    Sniper rifle x 1
    sword x 1
    Br x 4
    dmr x 2
    light rifle x 2
    suppressor x 2
    smg x 2
    needler x 1
    magnum x 2
    and 4 of each grenades.

    all feedback is welcome. my gamertag is alkinez if you want to download it.


  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

    Likes Received:
    Looking good but a bit hard to get a sense of the overall layout. Can you delete the ceiling pieces and provide an overview so we can see whats going on?
  2. Darkalco

    Darkalco Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Thanks pal, iv coloured each floor and its ramp going up to the next floor so you can see layout. hope it helps if you need any other info just get in touch.
    1st floor neon blue
    2nd neon red
    3rd neon green
    purple is a small route
    4th blue
    5th orange which then leads to the top of the bridge.
  3. Darkalco

    Darkalco Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    images are only of half the map because i couldnt go up high enough to fit in the whole map.

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