
1v1 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Blaze
    Imfamous is a design I had sitting around for a good while and last minute decided to throw it together and test it this last week. Originally it was planned to have 3 sets of teleporters to quickly get you around in a circle to avoid and then sneak up behind your enemy. However after some testing, one of the teleporters weren't used in the way I had intended. Regardless it resulted in some changes that ultimately made the map a lot better while holding to the same idea of the circling teleporter. Overall, this map is for players that like a more slowed down tactical approach to their 1v1s. This does not mean that you can't be aggressive and still win, the teleporters make for some greatly deceitful plays.
    Soldat Du Christ and WAR like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. a Chunk a Chunk
    Left my feedback in the comments. Really solid map Blaze.
  2. WAR WAR
    This map does not actually suck! It was on our top list of maps that had extremely solid gameplay. This was in our opinion Blaze's strongest 1v1 contender for the contest. The pace was really controlled, perhaps too much so. Scaling is perfect. After multiple game tests (about 5 or so) the linearity of some of the routes started to sink in more and more. I like what you have going in the central atrium but player engagements become quite repetitive in other areas. I would suggest opening up your next design more and not confining the spaces too much. Really great experience on here, well done Blaze.
  3. Map sucks.


  1. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Beautiful! Clean! Intuitive! Not much else needs to be said. I hope to get a game on this with you soon!
  2. Orzium

    Orzium Legendary

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    I played a game on this today and I did really enjoyed the map. I like the simplicity of the room based design however some routes were extremely linear and didn't give you many option to run away from encounters. In saying that the aesthetical look of the map was fresh and I did really like your powerup and weapon choices for the map. Good luck with the 1v1 competition :)
  3. Black Picture

    Black Picture Level Designer
    343 Industries Senior Member

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    fun little map I got to try out. clever ideas on the jump ups, I enjoyed this map!
  4. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Thanks guys. And yeah orzium, the maps is definitely for slower paced more tactical gameplay. The hall ways make it so that you have to think about your move before you move. A smart player will be able to outplay a better shot if they traverse using the teleporters and play aggressively while the better shot will want to catch them with their pants down in a hallways. ;)

    At least that was the idea. You may have to play it a few times before instinctively doing the right things in this map. It's not a very forgiving design. If you like more "think on your feet" gameplay, my map 'Coda.' is probably more your style. It's scattered with tac jumps and the lines of sight are less direct.
  5. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    As has already been stated in this thread, Infamous. dictates a very specific type of gameplay. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. It's possibly the best tactical map I've played. On the other hand, it offers less opportunity for creative movement. It does a wonderful job of rewarding forethought, but not a great job of rewarding improvisation.
    Though it all made sense after a few games, the teleporters were initially quite confusing. I tried walking into receiver nodes at least a handful of times. Better differentiating the senders and receivers is an easy fix that would help players grasp the teleporter lines faster.
    I thoroughly enjoyed my games on here. Looking forward to playing it more in the future.
    theSpinCycle and WAR like this.
  6. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Yeah, definitely true. And thank you for taking the time to write this out. I will update the teleporters for sure.
  7. ♫ Yeti

    ♫ Yeti Legendary

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    Wasn't this map made in Halo 4?
  8. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Going off of what chunk said with the teleporters. I think this was the major thing in what dictated the game-play. I thought the fact you would only possibly go through bottom middle was to contest or grab os but other than the middle was very underutilized. I thought a possible solution would be to put the top sender bottom middle, shift the os over as much as needed and add a jump/ledge middle tier in the middle to the top tier.
  9. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Civi, youre an ass. Haha, ruining my rating with your jokes.

    Purely, It's funny you said that about the teleporters because on paper that's how it was along with a third set of teleporters. Sadly while testing the teleporters flow wasn't exactly how i'd hoped and ultimately rearranged them this way so that the teleporters would be a more easily connectable route that would differ from the rest of the maps flow entirely. And for the jump, I had actually thought about that as well but then it would make the teleporter route a lot less reward and you could get to the top without having to travel through the tele halls.

    Wanting this style was a conscious decision. I know that's no excuse is the map plays poorly but I feel it emulate the kind of playstyle I was going for when I designed the map while still playing pretty well. However, I may make an alternate version if I get bored that will reward player for thinking on their feet a little more rather than having to plan every move ahead of time.

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