

Map Description

  1. Stunnah
    Halo Infinite Forge Map, Incursion. An Onslaught (Halo 3 Forge Map) inspired map designed primarily for Slayer and Capture the Flag. This map is a work in progress. Currently looking for a collaborator to assist with aesthetics, lighting, and spawning.

    Incursion features two gravity lifts which hold Sniper Rifles below, and Custom Equipment (Teleport) above. Also in the map are two Teleporter nodes located on either side of the creek, bottom middle. Located on top middle of the map is a floating Rocket Launcher.

    All 3 power weapons have reduced clips as well as increased respawn times in order to avoid being overpowered throughout the match. Custom Equipment (Teleport) still being worked on, due to sometimes porting player into map objects.

    Incursion Weapons/Equipment/Grenades:
    Rocket Launcher x1 (Reduced Clip) Sniper Rifle x2 (Reduced Clips) Battle Rifle x 2 Commando x2 Mangler x2
    Repulsor x2 Custom Equipment (Teleport) x2
    Dynamo Grenades x4 Plasma Grenades x4


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