An Invasion Inspired Gametype/Prefab
Incursion is a reimagined variant of Invasion with a few minor changes.
These Changes Include:
Shared Capture Time over all Points/Territories
Life Counter for Attacking Team (Simular to ‘Rush’ on Battlefield)
Physical Progression System (Customizable)
Prebuilt Prefabs to make Map Creation easy (Vehicle/Weapon/Scripting Packs)
How to Use:
The process of installing Incursion onto your maps can be quite Difficult and hard to put into writing so if something in this article in unclear please feel free to Message me on XBL (FatAussieFatB0y) and ask any questions that you may have about Incursion.
Steps are based on the assumption that all Incursion Prefabs have been bookmarked and are ready to install on your Map
Step 1: Load the desired map that you wish to add Incursion to
Step 2: Enter Monitor Mode, Press 'X' and select 'MAP OPTIONS' and change the Script Enabled to 'OFF'
Step 3: Press 'Y' and select 'PREFABS'
Step 4: Select the 'Incursion Toolkit' from your Bookmarks and place it on your Map
Step 5: You should now have a collection of Assets simular to this placed on your map
Step 6: Move the Territories into position based on Phases
- To the Left of the Prefab are the Territories that define the Map Layout and Progression of Incursion
- The Middle Assets are a Collection of Spawns for each Phase and a Progress Bar which will show the Progression of the Phase
- And Lastly to the Right, the Handler Brains... Do Not Touch these unless you are an experienced Incursion Forger.
Step 7: Grab the Progress Bar Assets (Scripting Brain & Lights) and copy/paste enough for each point in your Incursion Map, then move them near each Territory. Simular to this.
- The Left Territory is used for Phase 1
- The Middle Territory is a Basic Territory that doesn't spawn on round start.
- The Right Territory is the CORE Phase of Incursion
- Both the Middle and the Right Territories are changeable between all Phases. You can change the Phase by changing the Spawn Order of the Assets to the desired Phase -1.
EXAMPLE: Phase 1 - Territory - Spawn Order = 0; Phase 2 - CORE - Spawn Order = 1
Step 8: Grab the 4 remaining Scripting Brains (Handlers) and move them somewhere easy to remember and access as these might need to be changed with future updates of the Prefab.
Step 9: Now the Spawns... The only thing to remember about the Spawns is to change the Spawn Order to the Phase -1.
EXAMPLE: Phase 1 = Spawn Order 0; Phase 2 = Spawn Order 1
Step 10: Barricades/Invisible Blockers... This step doesn't have any Prefab to follow so go crazy with this and make anything you like. There are only a few scripts that will need to be added to any of the Objects you are using as Barricades and they're as follows...
SCRIPT 1 -OPTIONAL STEPS - Vehicle/Weapon Packs
Round Start:
Reset Object Position or Forcefully Spawn the Object
Number Check: Global Barvo = Constant (Phase Number)
Move/Rotate/Despawn Object
Number Check: Global Barvo = Phase 1; Despawn Invisible Blocker Covering Gravity Lift.
Step 1: Enter Monitor Mode, Press 'Y' and then 'PREFABS'
Step 2: Select the Required Vehicle/Weapon Pack (Faction Based) and place it on the Map
Step 3: Place the desired vehicles and weapons around the map
Step 11: Enter Monitor Mode, Press 'X' and select 'MAP OPTIONS' and change the Script Enabled to 'ON'
- The Spawn Order of the Weapon and Vehicle is the Phase at which it will Spawn. EXAMPLE: Phase 1 = Spawn Order 0; Phase 2 = Spawn Order 1
Video Tutorial:
and that's it...
Feel free to message me on XBL with the Gamertag:
FatAussieFatB0y (0 is a Number not a Letter)
Happy Forging
Gametype Download
Incursion Toolkit
Vehicle/Weapon Pack [UNSC]
Vehicle/Weapon Pack [Covenant]
Vehicle/Weapon Pack [Forerunner]
Official Incursion Maps:
Some of these maps do not belong to me and I suggest that you please show love where it is deserved and give the creators a Cookie... They'll love that.
SPIRE - Jexess13
BONEYARD - Jexess13