
1v1 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Anthonyisjim
    "An underground facility experimenting on an ancient species has gone awry. 1 verses 1 player."

    This map has a lot of verticality, a unique and errie theme, balanced weapons and spawns, unsettling atmosphere, and moody lighting.

Recent Reviews

  1. ZombieDyer ZombieDyer
    Original review: There are nice parts to this map don't get me wrong, but when we played it; it felt kinda simplistic unfortunately. Looks deffo save this one, still, Good job.

    Updated review:

    Pros: This map clearly had a lot of time put into it. I know this from chatting with the creator whilst it was being created. The original direction, concept and execution seemed extremely promising. By itself at least worthy of 4 stars. I can safely say the original covenant styled area maintains an interesting take on the generic format. "This is really nice" (Talking about the Gallery area).

    Cons: Testing this map in its final stage provided us with an interesting experience to say the least. I figured if people wanted me to be 100% with my review, then I should at least get some competitive players to have a crack at the map. Get ready because we have a lot to talk about.

    This is a genuine quote from one of the players "Just by looking at the map you can tell it would play awful". Which unfortunately I have to agree with. To start with the map is very unbalanced. The original circular area feels like the middle of the map with the industrial part acting almost as a tumor on the side. The reason for this is down to the spawning. Whenever we died, said player almost always spawned in the "Gallery" section of the map this made for gameplay that "wasn't easy to spawn trap but very easy to flank" (Not too sure what he meant by that). This being due to players utilizing the high vantage points, bridges etc which left the majority of the industrial spawns exposed.

    Next, the flow of the map is terrible. "the map is so poorly designed it's hard to be aware of your surroundings when trying to get away". If you have any experience on forge this is obvious, even to non forgers.

    Side note, one of the players got stuck on the grav-lift due to ground pounding on it.

    I generally feel like the map is confused about what aesthetic its going for. Some parts are highly detailed and others are just oddly plane. If this was intentional in order to represent 2 or more lifeforms discovering this area and building onto it then its so poorly executed. Nothing about this map is clear and awkwardly delves between styles.

    I'm really sorry dude but we just didn't enjoy the map and everyone got bored real quick.

    There was more we wanted to add but I think its simple not necessary.

    Suggestions for improvement: Re-think your layout. The Gallery area seems like the center so maybe build a route of to the back of the map to even out the options players have. My testers really wanted more strategic options available, not just bridges and holes. maybe add some more interesting looking detailing, god knows you still have a tonne of budget.

    Make the routes smoother, more invis blockers against bumpy walls so players don't snag.

    Illuminate dark cut-off points like at the sides of ramps.

    I think that's everything.

    If you decide to update your map let me know and I'll of course update my review.

    Keep it up mate and you'll make some outstanding maps. It's just a shame we didn't vibe with this one. :(

    I'm actually interested to see what you make in the future and don't let this review hold you back. :)

    Sorry for any spelling errors. I'm shite at writing yo. X)
  2. I think a really important thing we need to weigh in on is Art vs Gameplay and how the two interact on this map.

    Artistically, there is some really stellar piece use here. This map carries a theme that is fairly unique in the pool of contest maps and it really utilizes uncommon pieces well. The way the map fades to fog upward is awesome and the incubation chambers are eerie and cool. That being said, some of the piece use is glaringly repetitive and while I 100% understand wanting to strive for extra detail, I think it is just as important to stand back and say, "Is this too much?" I feel that sections of the map suffer from this issue.

    Now comes the double-edged sword of gameplay. While the map has a very flowing and vertical layout, those same factors give way to spawn killing/prediction. The way the paths and sightlines are arranged, players have the ability to approach their opponent almost immediately following a spawn. While it's fun to hammer your unsuspecting foe, that is a super critical issue that can lower play quality. The other important thing to note is that because of the amplified vertical play on this map, downward vs upward fights can often be crushing for downward challenger.

    All and all, I am still very impressed with the visuals on the map and the layout conceptually is fun. It just has issues that I feel really affect gameplay in negative ways and it is important to be aware of them.
  3. D3LTA V D3LTA V
    This map has gone a long way in terms of layout and pathing. Glad i got to test it. Good use of aesthetics and avoiding the classic forge look.
  4. Sarizon Sarizon
    This map has such a diverse atmosphere from the map that most of us are accompanied to. If your looking for a fun 1v1 or 2v2 map that gives off that dirty sci-fi feel like aliens, this map of for you!

    Honestly one of the most interesting and fun asymmetrical 1v1 maps I've played so far!


  1. Portaleer

    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Great looking map and interesting, quick, fluid layout. I'll have to give this a good few plays and then come back! ;)
  2. The Omicron

    The Omicron a permabanned Amish boy
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Very unique piece usage and ambient lighting. I played this for one game but it was a lot of fun! Well Done!
  3. TheAmazingE 123

    TheAmazingE 123 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Yes. Looks like a worthy competitor
    Anthonyisjim likes this.
  4. Foge

    Foge Staff
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your review of this map is terrible.
    You need to expand more on what makes the map deserve 2 1/2 stars. Just because its simplistic? I can find hundreds of other maps on here that are far more simpler which have a higher rating. Piece usage on this map is by far some of the more unique stuff I've seen from people, so I wouldn't call it simple by any means. Also who says good job when you just gave him a 50/100? Imagine a teacher just giving you a test back and they say "Hey you did a good job on this test!" Then you got a 50/100. Like what. Literally makes zero sense.
  5. CertifiedChamp

    CertifiedChamp Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Quality roating
    ZombieDyer and Yeti For Hire like this.
  6. Yeti For Hire

    Yeti For Hire Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Got 'em
    ZombieDyer, Connie and CertifiedChamp like this.
  7. D3LTA V

    D3LTA V Legendary
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    This map has gone a long way in terms of layout and pathing. Glad i got to test it. Good use of aesthetics and avoiding the classic forge look.
    Anthonyisjim likes this.
  8. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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    Dammmmn, I hate to be the bearer of bad new but that's just my opinion yo, I'm gonna do a mad look into the map tonight as requested more graciously by NZ.

    I shall Make a full review tonight and also answer your statement in it too. ;)

    Fat roast bro, keep it up, proud of you. :)
  9. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    someone is salty and it is not Foge.
    Yeti For Hire, Anthonyisjim and Foge like this.
  10. Foge

    Foge Staff
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The fact that he felt it necessary to mention me in his novella of a review is proof of that.
    Yeti For Hire and purely fat like this.
  11. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, he seems upset about this map for some reason.
  12. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    For what it's worth, I agree with nearly all of the points made in his review.
    The backlash it's causing is the reason I never leave reviews.
  13. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My only issue as it seems salty based on the quotes used and when he is talking about some layout stuff he doesn't really explain in detail why. This is also why I don't leave reviews.
    Yeti For Hire and a Chunk like this.
  14. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    Hey everyone! I just want to take a moment to diffuse some of the tension here and maybe provide some perspective overall to help us move forward.

    First off, we cannot continue to punish members for dishing out "low" ratings. Low is in quotes because typically, when a 3 three star review is given there is backlash. Please keep in mind a three star rating is denoted as Average. Average. Not bad, horrible, none of that. Average. That is rather fair in all honesty and if you as a Forger truly value feedback and input from your peers you must be willing and able to interpret and accept those things.

    Now, on that same note, it is just as important that we do our best to provide helpful, constructive and pertinent feedback regardless of whatever rating we give a map. It is your job to convey your detailed thoughts and feelings when doing ratings because you set the tone for people considering downloading said map.

    This need for detail goes up as the rating decreases because you must make sure your feelings on the map are conveyed to the author so that they may learn and improve.

    @ZombieDyer5 Thank you for revising your review to provide more detailed feedback. This is what you should have began with. In the future, please do not use a Map Review to retort to other members, passive aggressive or not.

    @Foge Thank you for, as a fellow member, stepping up and asking Zombie to provide more feedback. Similar to what's above, let's keep it about the map and not each other.

    @D3LTA V and @Sarizon If you two feel as though this map deserves five stars, that is perfectly fine. However, Five stars is high value and I would like to see more than just two sentences denoting why you like the map so much.

    @CertifiedChamp @Yeti For Hire @purely fat Like I said, we cannot continue attacking people for "Low" ratings. I understand Zombie's response was heated but please, this is a map thread. Let's focus on the map and save personal scuffs for WAYWO :)

    @a Chunk I didn't want you to feel left out :heart:

    Alright. That's all from me :forgehub:
  15. CertifiedChamp

    CertifiedChamp Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Glad you're aware that waywo is a cesspit

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