Impassable V3

4v4 Capture the Flag

Map Description

  1. RoastingLamb
    "Ancient Forerunner structures repurposed for the UNSC Infinity's Arena games."

    Infinity Gaming's video walkthrough:

    These guys are amazing! :)


    My favourite maps from the history of Halo include Beaver Creek, Valhalla, Standoff and Tempest. You can probably see a pattern here: two bases; two teams; and bloodbath in a boxed canyon (sorta). I wanted to make a small/medium, open Arena map that invokes the same feelings that you have when you play on the maps listed above. Impassable is this map. Forerunner architecture is very interesting. Its simple and elegant. I wanted to try to recreate this using Forge. The other goal of this map was to combine natural terrain and Forerunner structures seamlessly.

    This map was developed with 4 v 4 Slayer and CTF in mind. However, recent stress testing has shown that it can hold up to 16 players as well, though chaotic.

    You can track the development of this map on my WIP thread:

    Layout - See screenshots

    Impassable is a symmetrical map built for Team Slayer and CTF (Pistol and AR starts). The two sides do have some subtle differences: Red side is more "techy" compared to blue side. Additionally, red side uses Alpine pieces and blue side uses Glacier pieces.

    Most of the paths are made using natural terrain. However, I did include a large Forerunner structure on the "icy" side. Please see the screenshots attached. They do a better job at describing the paths XD

    Weapons - I will list the weapons found at each location callout

    • Storm Rifle and Plasma Pistols are found inside the base. These weapons are deadly up close and help get through the shield doors on top of the enemy base.
    • Splinter grenades are found on the top of the base.
    • A Halo 2 BR spawns on the ramp of the base.

    • SAW - The SAW is probably one of my favourite weapon and I am sad that its not included in any Arena maps. This weapon is found on Lookout (i.e. the grassy side of the map). Plays well and not too overpowered.

    Under rock bridge:
    • OS - The OS only spawns during CTF. This was added to help a team push into the enemy team's base. This may help win your match.
    Top of rock bridge:
    • A Light Rifle is positioned in the middle of the rock bridge. Powerful with good positioning.

    Yellow Tower (i.e. the large Forerunner structure on the icy part of the map)
    • Incineration Cannon (IC) - I needed a AoE power weapon and the IC goes well with the theme of the map.

    Red and blue ledge (the paths that lead to yellow tower):
    • BR (standard)

    Final notes:

    Any feedback is appreciated. I will continue to improve on this map :)


    I would like to thank the following people for play testing and giving feedback for Impassable:

    @Max Extra as well as his Forged Friday crew
    @Pat Sounds
    @Sn1p3r C

    Without them, I wouldn't have completed this map. They encouraged me and made me fall in love with Forge and its community.

Recent Reviews

  1. Max Extra Max Extra
    This map has come a long way from it's first few test to where it is now. This map take forerunner elements from other maps and uniquely combines them for a new experience. The supports teams of 4 well and probably play capture the flag the best. I love the transitions from forerunner to natural terrain through out the map, and feel like that really helps to hit the theme. The aesthetics both inside and outside the map really help to set the player in the map.

    Wonderful map that has come a long way, and hopefully as time goes can be improved upon further.


  1. Ryouji Gunblade

    Ryouji Gunblade Legendary

    Likes Received:
    I really like the Tempest influence.
    RoastingLamb likes this.
  2. RoastingLamb

    RoastingLamb Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Thanks! The laser connecting the two bases together was definitely inspired by Tempest.
    Ryouji Gunblade likes this.
  3. MetalDeadKid

    MetalDeadKid Legendary

    Likes Received:
    *Sees notification for a post on Impasse*
    Me: "Oh, another one, I guess I'll read it!"
    *Gets sent to this webpage*
    Me: "huh, this doesn't look right, this map is called Impassable, and it looks to-"
    Me: "Wow"

    Looks epic! I will be downloading this tonight!
    RoastingLamb likes this.
  4. RoastingLamb

    RoastingLamb Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Yes. Impasse was just a placeholder name :)

    Thanks! I hope you enjoy it!
  5. MstrBlonde

    MstrBlonde Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    The small improvements you made to the map resulted in a much better playing experience. Had a great time playing on Friday.
    RoastingLamb likes this.
  6. RoastingLamb

    RoastingLamb Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Thanks! I think pulling in the icy side, adding a new structure and making the map more streamlined helped a lot. @Max Extra had some input into this decision as well :)
  7. RoastingLamb

    RoastingLamb Legendary

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  8. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I like the look and feel of this map. It has the classic halo vibe to it.
    RoastingLamb likes this.
  9. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I will take a gander at this in my 4v4 sweat lobby later on. Will provide feedback soon.

    RoastingLamb likes this.
  10. RoastingLamb

    RoastingLamb Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Thanks man. Appreciate it. I will gladly take any feedback :)

    Please only try Team slayer and CTF. I realised that the spawn volumes for assault is wrong.
    #11 RoastingLamb, Apr 2, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2016
  11. RoastingLamb

    RoastingLamb Legendary

    Likes Received:
    RoastingLamb updated Impassable V3 with a new update entry:

    Assault game type support update and general tweaks

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Morbid Satyr

    Morbid Satyr Legendary

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    Could you group the kill ball ( or something in its center) with the rings, making the center the parent of the group ( so it rotates on that point). You could then script the rings to move around the ball by saying on message receive "Alpha" rotate to (x) for (x# of seconds ). Then have a seperate script that returns the rings to original position with the same time selection, you could use a pig that spawns(let's say 20 seconds in) and sends message bravo on spawn...the rings can move back to original position on message received "bravo". Alternatively you could even use a whale that sends message "Alpha" on spawn (spawn on start) that would start the initial movement.

    If you want help testing this, let me know GT is Morbid Satyr
  13. RoastingLamb

    RoastingLamb Legendary

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    I'll give that shot. I may contact you if there's any problem :)

    Morbid Satyr likes this.

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