1. Large Update

    -Added more dynamic architecture to the lower half of the map.
    -Removed the pelican in favor of map friendly Architecture.
    -Closed off more of the surrounding sky box area to create a more immersive environment​

    - The Energy Sword was removed
    - A Binary Rifle now sits where the Hydra Launcher used to be
    - The Hydra Launcher now sits were the Energy Sword used to be
    - The Plasma Pistol and the Over Shield are now swapped
    - The Battle Rifle has shifted to a slightly different location
    - Frag Grenades have been relocated
    - In place of the pelican is architecture that allows certain power positions to be more easily countered
    - Some of the Named Volumes have been changed to better suit the new layout
    - Starting Points have been added in for FFA
    - Invisible barriers now cover most of the gardens to prevent "Tripping"
    - Invisible barriers have been added to locations that allowed players to access areas that were not meant to be playable.
    - Starting cameras have been changed
    - The gravity lift has be altered to better suit the new layout
    - most foliage has been removed to increase frame rate
    - lighting has been mostly corrected in order to fix frame rate issues.

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