1. The One to Change it All

    So it has been a while... so while the updates to Ieros Kipous seemed all but dead here on forge hub I have been very busy testing and changing the map inorder to make gameplay better and more exciting. This map has gone through at least 30 different itterations since the last time i updated it. I feel that this map will be soon hitting its final version. Every test the feedback becomes less and less while also becoming more fine tuned adjustments rather than large changes. I have spent the summer working on making Ieros Kipous the best possible map it can be. My vision for the map is almost complete. While I have made massive improvements and changes to the map I have opted to keeping most of the original flow and lines of sight the map has had since the start. Yes there are some changes to the flow but I they were for the better. Some of the weapon layout has changed and been refined. So here we go! The list of features and changes.

    Map Layout
    -The throne areas have changed to better suit base like game play while maintaining the openness and transition like game play i was trying to obtain.

    -I have removed all portals and now have a much more refined lower garden are that sports two gravity lifts up to top mid.

    -the original are that had the giant god portal now has been reworked for much better game play.

    -The towers for each sides team have been simplified and better balanced to interact with the other power positions.

    -The map features a powerful top mid that is counterable by other positions on the map and offers a unique design that pushes the flow of players out and around.

    -The addition of a lower tunnel adds a more direct route through the middle of the map while being balanced due to the fact it is not a power position but it can be countered by someone tying to cut a player off.

    -There was an added lip to the backside of the throne areas to allow more safe spawning.

    - The map has many refined lines of sights from all areas of the map.
    Weapon Layout
    -2 Battle Rifles
    -2 Carbines
    -2 Suppressors
    -2 Bolt Shots
    -1 Smg
    -1 Brute Plasma Rifle
    -1 Gravity Hammer "Ammo Count is 6 swings with a 1min respawn on death/deletion for balance purposes"
    -1 Binary Rifle
    -1 Over Shield
    The Aesthetics and game play are still being refined also the strongholds and oddball game types are being refined and later Assault will be added and tested. I apologize for not keeping the map up to date on here but I wanted to add one big update when the map was much more complete. Thank you for all of the people who helped me test my map and gave me suggestions. Also sorry to all of those of you whos advice I did not take for changes on my map. It has been a fun experience and I am looking forward to moving onto my next big project.

    Whether you like the map or not please leave a review and if you have any suggestions or just even want to say hello please leave a comment. Thank you forge community for helping me evolve as a forger.
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