1. M4t7theNinja
    Version: V2
    The map is good the physics are also good and the idea is fantastic, the execution wasn't and could have been better
  2. Lost Pinecone
    Lost Pinecone
    Version: 2016-03-17
    A challenging journey through a high tech prison, tucked away in frigid mountains. If you are a fan of puzzle/escape maps, then you gotta try this map out! The map has a lot of great ideas, and there is a lot of variety in the map too which is great.

    There are some annoyances throughout the map but they are more or less related to limitations with forge so they didn't bother me too much. For example, it's hard to tell where some of the guard's "spotting range" is, which creates a lot of trial and error which can be tedious at times, but if this kind of thing bothers you a lot, then you probably shouldn't play puzzle/escape maps to begin with haha.

    The aesthetics were fine, some rooms look better than others, but nothing was horrendous or anything haha. Personally I think rating a puzzle map on aesthetics is like rating an aesthetic map on gameplay, but I know some people disagree so that's why I brought it up.

    The reason I gave the map a 4.5 instead of a 5 is because, while the map is certainly fun, it gets less so as it goes on. Towards the end, you just want it to be over instead of being excited to see what's next.

    Overall the map is quite good, and definitely worth checking out. I hope Cheesejam makes more puzzle maps in the future.
  3. Comedy Aerosol
    Comedy Aerosol
    Version: 2016-03-17
    First things first, I really liked the concept of the whole map. You used teleporters to create the facade of being caught by the guards. The puzzles were challenging but they made sense after pressing a lot of buttons. Good work on that. With that aside, there some things I did not enjoy. The enemies you were supposed to shoot outside the map were extremely difficult to find. It seemed as though you ran out of ideas and threw in the first challenge that came to your mind. I say that for both the hidden enemy part, and the ending climb to the flag. Those parts took the longest to complete. Other then that, it was a great idea for a map.