
Capture the Flag

Map Description

  1. CheeseJam

    I've been making puzzle maps for years now and I think this is my best one yet! I used to make my puzzle maps way too difficult, discouraging even the best puzzle masters. However, Icebreakout is different! I strived to make a somewhat challenging, yet very approachable, puzzle map with a cool theme. The core idea for the map was to escape a prison by avoiding AI guards that can catch you and send you back to your cell.

    To make the guards work, I attached teleporters to them and scripted them to move all over the map. When you get too close to a guard, you'll get sent back to your cell. There are also multiple checkpoints along the way so you don't have to start over every time you are caught. Initially, I wanted to use line of sight with the guards catching you. However, this method did not play nicely with scripting so I had to settle for a teleporter radius around each guard. It still works well and gives a cool effect!

    Icebreakout has a variety of stealth, jumping, shooting, and logic puzzles. The map progressively gets more difficult without ever getting too frustrating. I would expect an initial completion time of about 2-3 hours depending on your skill level. You can check out an album of more pictures, with descriptions, of the map here:

    Shoutout to ry ryno ryry for some great testing feedback and The Atrain 11 for helping me decorate the map! To play Icebreakout, add me on Xbox Live (GT: CheeseJam) and download the map and game mode titled Icebreakout. I would love to hear what you guys think about the map! :)
    leegeorgeton and DazeJet like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. The map is good the physics are also good and the idea is fantastic, the execution wasn't and could have been better
  2. A challenging journey through a high tech prison, tucked away in frigid mountains. If you are a fan of puzzle/escape maps, then you gotta try this map out! The map has a lot of great ideas, and there is a lot of variety in the map too which is great.

    There are some annoyances throughout the map but they are more or less related to limitations with forge so they didn't bother me too much. For example, it's hard to tell where some of the guard's "spotting range" is, which creates a lot of trial and error which can be tedious at times, but if this kind of thing bothers you a lot, then you probably shouldn't play puzzle/escape maps to begin with haha.

    The aesthetics were fine, some rooms look better than others, but nothing was horrendous or anything haha. Personally I think rating a puzzle map on aesthetics is like rating an aesthetic map on gameplay, but I know some people disagree so that's why I brought it up.

    The reason I gave the map a 4.5 instead of a 5 is because, while the map is certainly fun, it gets less so as it goes on. Towards the end, you just want it to be over instead of being excited to see what's next.

    Overall the map is quite good, and definitely worth checking out. I hope Cheesejam makes more puzzle maps in the future.
  3. First things first, I really liked the concept of the whole map. You used teleporters to create the facade of being caught by the guards. The puzzles were challenging but they made sense after pressing a lot of buttons. Good work on that. With that aside, there some things I did not enjoy. The enemies you were supposed to shoot outside the map were extremely difficult to find. It seemed as though you ran out of ideas and threw in the first challenge that came to your mind. I say that for both the hidden enemy part, and the ending climb to the flag. Those parts took the longest to complete. Other then that, it was a great idea for a map.


  1. Dino

    Dino Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love this idea. I realize there is only so much you can do with scripting and making "A.I." in Halo, but it's great! It's original for a Halo map. I have seen many puzzle games but nothing like this. Great job!
    CheeseJam likes this.
  2. jacob steiner

    jacob steiner Legendary

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    Awesome Job on this map, It's good to see there is an active puzzle making community in halo 5.
    CheeseJam likes this.
  3. Lost Pinecone

    Lost Pinecone Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A side note to my review: I agree with quick about the people hidden in the mountains being way too hard. So hard that it's not fun in the slightest which sucks because shooting the other targets was a blast. I already talked to Cheesejam about it and he said he was going to fix it so I reviewed the map with the assumption that the issue has been/will be fixed.
    CheeseJam likes this.
  4. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    CheeseJam updated Icebreakout with a new update entry:

    Difficulty Fix

    I really appreciate the feedback guys! :)
  5. OPG StingRay17

    OPG StingRay17 Legendary

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    Really like the map but kinda wished you used less switches as challenges/puzzles. Also, I still can't find those last 2 guys to shoot with a sniper. It's super frustrating since I think that's near the ending and I did it with a bud of mine and he couldn't find them either.
    CheeseJam likes this.
  6. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! Ya, I maybe could have used less switches. Other means of interaction just take up so many more scripts!

    Sorry, I thought I made those guys much easier to find, but maybe it is too hard still? Here's where all of the guys are:

    Maybe I'll make a full guide next week. Would anyone be interested in that?
  7. OPG StingRay17

    OPG StingRay17 Legendary

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    Oh yeah those 2 guys in the mountains were impossible for to find. Thx for showing me so I can complete your map now lol
  8. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
    Senior Member

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  9. Survivor Sid

    Survivor Sid Legendary

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    My friend and I have reached the DMR puzzle. Maybe we are just mental or something but nothing we have tried works, plz help D:
  10. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Each fusion coil has a different respawn timer. Your goal is to shoot them all before any of them respawn. You'll have to figure out which ones have longer respawn timers so you know what order to shoot them in.

    Also, this map is made for one player only. I've heard of a few glitches that happen on the map with multiple people, so no guarantees everything will work correctly with multiple people in the game.

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