Ice Cap Zone Raceway


Map Description

  1. Shiningdragon7X
    Race track based off Ice Cap Zone from Sonic 3. Players descend down a snowy incline adorned with pine trees, and plummet down into icy caverns. Players then traverse through the caves, passing various obstacles including frozen loops, Star Pointer Badniks, and crushing ice pillars. After bouncing off springs, players cross a bridge over a spiky ice pit, then descend slightly down a sheet of ice. Players then maneuver across a room with frost blowers that blow you backwards with ultra cold air. There is a soft kill boundary here so be sure to avoid being under the first two blowers. The third blower sends you forward and out of the cave network. Players then traverse across an outdoor section of ice floats and drive through a drift turn before heading into a final cavern. Players then reach a beam lift that teleports them back to the top of the mountain and complete the circuit.

    To have a higher chance of being in a forward position after you go through a loop, be sure to hold the right joystick backwards and keep it held while you enter and go through the loop.

    Some credit goes to Sheeracali with scripting assistance and to Sword of Malnok for the base loop design.

Recent Reviews

  1. Sheeracali Sheeracali
    I found this race map to be quite enjoyable. Especially aesthetically. Some of the hazards were a bit trying, but I’ve noticed they have been updated slightly since I first played it, making it much smoother and no longer confusing. As far as the loops go, from what I’ve seen, it’s not possible to have a vertical loop in Halo 5 using man cannons without being flung from the vehicle or exploding. Even back in the Reach days, you would tumble around like crazy. Sliders are the only way. If you could find a way to have it turn you around at the end of the loop it would be perfect, but I’m not sure if that’s possible.
  2. FRED lllll FRED lllll
    This map suffers mostly from loop-de-loops thay don't work, horribly defined hazards (small ice spices literally throwing your car backwards, a entire hallway of invisible bouncers and a timed kill boundary, etc. it really holds the map back. To go foward I feel like this map needs to be an on foot race and have far more varied obstacles like 360 spiraling tunnels, loop de loops, multiple interwieveing paths, etc. remove all poorly defined hazards, fix the loop de loops, and go with a morr thrilling. maybe looking at some new or classic sonic levels could help in your level design to make a fun platforming minigame. as for this level... It just feels very lost in what it wants to be and the hazards can really ruin a decent race track.
  3. ZombieDyer ZombieDyer
    This felt like my first time masturbating, painful yet thrilling. The map acts like a parkour fest, if I were a flid strapped in a wheelchair. I genuinely hope you fix the random death areas and invisible blockers that smack my ass back to China. You're loop de-loops make me feel like I'm breaking the physics sound barrier, ngl i didn't expect a science lesson on halo. But if you really want to understand quantum mechanics and how to break into the big booty bitches dimension, play this map it really won't disappoint.


  1. FRED lllll

    FRED lllll Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Also to I forgot to mention the amount of scripted segments were the game bouncies me around through the map like I am in a bouncy house and I have no control. these segments are far to frequent
  2. Shiningdragon7X

    Shiningdragon7X Legendary
    Senior Member

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    To be fair, vertical loops never worked properly on the mongoose in halo 5, but it wouldn't be ice cap zone without them. I do agree with the hallway with the sliders pushing back and the kill boundary. The initial idea was that the ice blowers above are pushing you back. Maybe if the kill boundary was removed and there were small arrows on the floor to guide in the right direction?
  3. Shiningdragon7X

    Shiningdragon7X Legendary
    Senior Member

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    And in some areas such as the beginning, if there were no bouncers or sliders down the first incline and drop, you would basically tumble and roll around.
  4. FRED lllll

    FRED lllll Legendary
    Senior Member

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    First and foremost thank you for taking my criticism seriously, means a lot.

    I understand what you are saying about the loop de loops, however with the use of man cannons in the loop de loops can be done and done properly. it may be more budget intensive and more autopilot based, however at the same time you would gain functionality for them and players would not spin out.

    Secondly, as for the ice blowers they are barely noticeable with the white color pallet. I understand what you were to convey, however, there is not enough definition in these objects, maybe giving the blowers and actual horizontal blowing motion and a small turret to blow out of would make them more clear. On top of this, the number of bouncers on the map ( especially ones on the section before with ice spikes coming out of the floor ) can be very poorly defined. I drove down that ramp with the small ice spikes before the blower section and felt that the game did not give me even the slightest chance to consider them a hazard because of their size. Honestly, a lot of this maps hazards or gimmicks just felt incomplete.

    Lastly, I understand your beginning sequence having some kind of autopilot FOR THE SCALE YOU BUILT IT AT. However, what this means to me is that your scale was not properly designed for the vehicles you made and maybe vertically squashing it a little bit, preventing some of the problems with flipping out.

    I said earlier make it an on foot race, which I think would greatly benefit your map, being that Sonic is an on foot, single jump, platformer. So making the game mode yourself could help fix a lot of the problems with the map. I would be more than willing to go in with you and show you what I am talking about. Granted, this may not fit your original intention and I would require serious alterations, however, you would be able to have even larger loop-de-loops, and you could have multiple routes and shortcuts requiring skill jumps. It could be really interesting if you look at some of the sonic game's gameplay and used it to inspire your map design.

    Overall I just feel like this is an early work with far too much-underused potential and it could be a great standard race type or possible something far greater. :)

    -FRED lllll

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