8v8 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Anemeros

    I wanted to design a map around the Wasp's versatility and realized that the best way to do this was to remove the restriction of having a ground beneath; Doing so allows the Wasp to move around, above and below the entire play area nearly unhindered.

    I started working on a suspended platform, which quickly turned into the 'flying fortress' that it is today. It's essentially an aircraft carrier in the air. Surely fans of Marvel comics and movies can draw some comparisons, but I didn't want to remake the helicarrier; So I leaned towards a more Cloud City-esque design, but had to pull back and simplify things due to limitations of the forge. Now it's a bit of both, I think :)

    As mentioned above, the main purpose of this map was to let the Wasp shine. I want one or more Wasps to be in the air for the entire duration of a match. Ridiculous! one might say, but there are Hydras, Plasma Pistols and a Spartan Laser at hand to fend them off. Not to mention the Mantis, which is more than a match for a single Wasp.

    Anyway, it needs playtesting of course, and there's already some changes I plan on making, but I want to get it out there so I can implement some feedback.


Recent Reviews

  1. i love the look and the feel of this map. It really plays well. Good job!!!


  1. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Maybe you should completely block the path to get in the Mantis or create something like the requisition of a vehicle in Warzone, add a script to have a green light when the Mantis spawn, and a red light when it's activated. Just an indication to everyone that could allow to players to know the Mantis is available or not and to prevent Wasp to destroy the Mantis which is still in the cage.

    It's really cool anyway ! I will just regret there's no way to get inside that flying base. I downloaded it and I'll go in Forge right now, just to see and maybe test some little things.

    Great job
  2. Ryouji Gunblade

    Ryouji Gunblade Legendary

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    Excellent aesthetics, I especially like the Pelican area.
  3. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I just visited the map a few hours and I made some changes.

    1. I made the propeller behind the ship move, to add dynamics under the ship
    2. The 4 "wings" are now propellers and they move too (really fast)
    3. I created a control room inside the big structure (opposite to the pelican)

    Not sure if it's useful to have that control room if there's no sniper rifle on the map, so maybe it could be a good thing to add that weapon.

    It could maybe unbalanced the 2 bases, so I think it could be a good idea to change some closed containers to opened containers, to add more covers and différents ways to hide in this place.

    If you want to watch these changes (it's just to give you ideas, but if you like it, you're free to continue to forge from this version, it's your map, of course), here the link to download it : https://www.halowaypoint.com/fr-fr/...ievous32_b85bab1a-d00b-44c8-a25a-2c1f07d1a8ec

    EDIT : Just one thing... It's obvious for the pilot but... You can fall with the Mantis to the spawns of the Wasps and then you're stuck there and can't escape.

    Great job, again ;)
    #4 Black Racher, Jul 18, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
  4. Anemeros

    Anemeros Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I was originally going to do all the things you mentioned, but didn't in order to keep the performance steady and limit things like object occlusion issues (from distance) and scripting going nuts after a time.

    That said I will check out the changes, but ultimately playtesting will guide my alterations in the future.
  5. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Tell me if you got some ideas from these changes ! You put a big block in front of the control room I made, so the Mantis can easily climb this block and shoot inside the room. I tried to make it balanced as possible.

    For the performance I think there's no problem in this version, I will just change the speed of the propeller behind the ship to allow Wasps to path through it.

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