If map is not working from bookmarks get from my bookmarks.uk glitch were having & with most my maps.or maybe named the map it was made on.add me if online or join my games i dont mind
This map is different from all i have seen . Its bright with mainly black gold and hot pink which looks really cool. For 2v2 but will support more.made with teams 1,2,3,4
Ctf& storngholds & neutral flag only teams 1&2(blue&red)
If you want the good weapons you will have to clamber to them.clamber to get flags & strongholds.ground pound will help alot to reach platforms.its a must!
This map only has one level but is high as lots off ledges and colums to climb to complete OBJECTIVES! Certain ways you will have to go for certain weapons & game types.this is a map that is challenging.feed back always welcome as help plus look at other maps.i love malice bigteam map& brill to play on.
This game when playing objectives is tricky so i suggest really getting to know the ways to platforms.as soon as you hit the gravity lift.ground pound asap towards central base and at the top ground pound towards the gold round object and this will let you clamber on that side to get the stronghold unless you use the toatom pole.hope this help.the turet is broken due to update but fun as you float in to air.feed back helps.