Hornet's Nest

8v8 Capture the Flag

Map Description

  1. MrBamble
    H o r n e t ' s N e s t
    by MrBamble

    "Hidden deep within Mount Kilimanjaro, this forgotten stronghold awakens memories of an age long past. 12-16 players."

    Homage to a Classic

    As this map takes inspiration from Halo 3's Rat's Nest, it feels like a long forgotten blanket from your childhood that wraps around you in a warm embrace. Or perhaps, a lost love you reconnect with at a coffee shop years after you missed your opportunity. Rest assured though this is not a 1:1 remake that feels tiny and stale inside the Halo 5 sandbox. In fact, great attention was placed on resizing and tweaking each area to make sure that the experience you have wraps its nostalgic arms around you in a kind embrace, but within that embrace there is something else, something intriguing and fresh.

    In the spirit of continuing the incredible lineage set forth by Rat’s Nest, each aspect of this map’s design has been carefully planned and executed to not only preserve the original intent of its areas but also to allow the map to reach its full potential inside Halo 5’s sandbox.

    Familiar Feel; Modern Design

    Rediscover the joyous shout educing vehicle play of the outer ring, with the constant sound of Warthog carnage creeping into the Spartan focused center bases. Experience the heart pounding anxiety brought on by the classic tug of war design leading to breathtaking last second returns and soul crushing failures as you watch you flag disappear into the enemy base.

    Afraid this map might be a little too much of an old thing? Think you have already been there and done that back in Halo 3? Think again! Take full advantage of your Spartan’s new abilities thanks to the Halo 5 focused scaling. Ground Pounding opportunities call to you from every corner of the map. Traverse the classic geometry in new and effective ways by utilizing your Thruster and Stabilization, if you know what I mean. Experience everything a Warthog can and should be in Big Team Battle with optimal vehicle pathing with deliberate advantage and cover opportunities. A complete reimagining of the center of that map creates intense white knuckle moments, improving on the original design by allowing vehicles to play a role in influencing this critical part of the map.

    So What are You Waiting For?

    If you missed out on experiencing the exceptional map that was Rat’s Nest back in its day, you have been given a chance to rectify that situation. If you are a Rat’s Nest veteran, then buckle up Spartan you’ve got a flag to capture. Either way you’ve been given an opportunity, take it immediately and discover the Big Team Battle experience you have been missing. Go Download Hornet’s Nest Immediately!
    Preacher001, WAR and Squally DaBeanz like this.


  1. Ryouji Gunblade

    Ryouji Gunblade Legendary

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    Whoa, this looks really sleek. I like the fresh take on it. Aesthetically it reminds me of the transition from Ivory Tower to Reflection.
  2. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My Hornets Nest has flying, do you have flying? nooooooooo :p

    Good job, with your hrnnhhrs Nest.
  3. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Still one of my favorite maps, but id recommend taking out the 5 strong holds and keeping to 3. i think its splitting the teams up to much to cover them all

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