
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Divade011

Recent Reviews

  1. NILLOC916 NILLOC916
    I helped test this map. It was really fun to play and it flowed smooth as hell.


  1. TheUNSCVeteran

    TheUNSCVeteran Legendary

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    Your map made my “Cool maps of the week” video, feel free the check it out
    Divade011 likes this.
  2. Divade011

    Divade011 Legendary

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    Thanks for the Mention! reminds me that I need to work on the map and play less smash bros. and batman XD
  3. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Id love to test and review this later once the spawns have been fixed. i have played it a month ish ago but ive since lost how it played, and would like a fresher play through to give feedback
  4. Divade011

    Divade011 Legendary

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    You should get to play it on your next friday playtest (Edit: deleted a question) the feedback i think I'll value most will be on the latest additional cover and window styles.
  5. TruncateComb6

    TruncateComb6 Legendary

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    Ok, so I played on this map on last nights stream. Overall I really like the idea of the map. We did 4v4v4v4 multi team so it was pretty packed.

    - The aesthetic was very cool. It was simple to understand, yet I definitely got a high rise/skyscraper feel from the map. I felt like I was fighting in a high location.

    - The variation between corridors and open areas worked nicely and provided a variety of engagements.

    - Weapon layout worked rather nicely. It might be a bit heavy for 4v4 standard, but I'd need to test that again.

    - The Windows did cause a bit of confusion that affected some of us more than others. It was a bit frustrating to see someone so close, yet the path over to them wasn't always clear or close by.

    - I spent a lot more time indoors in the corridors than outside. It might just be my preference for CQC, but I found that I didn't gravitate much towards the outdoors until towards the end and I was like "Ooohh look at these nice walkways."

    TL;DR - Map theme and layout was interesting and had nice variety. Windows and pathways weren't always clear and I sometimes avoided the outside subconsciously rather than being drawn to it.

    That being said, I feel this map will be very interesting for standard 4v4 and hope I get to play on it some more soon! Good job!
    #6 TruncateComb6, Apr 9, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2016
    Divade011 likes this.
  6. Divade011

    Divade011 Legendary

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    Thanks for the feedback! I have some responses on the forged friday forum, I'm not too worried about outside under-use, because the yellow and green towers used to be a little campy (at least on my H:reach file), but I'll keep an eye out that the whole map is used.
  7. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Since you and I talked this over through chat and I believe you addressed everything that was said through the stream ill just leave it at this, Id love to this map out again, It was one of the earlier maps i played in customs and its good to see it still being worked out. Let me know if you need any more assistance or just want to bounce ideas off of someone. Id love to test this again and give it another go!
  8. Divade011

    Divade011 Legendary

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    Thanks! I Should get a little time today so I'll be able to fix some bugs and toss it into the FF playtest tonight (also i plan to join in tonight).

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