Hide and Sea


Map Description

  1. flashplayer911
    Gametype needed in order to play properly!
    Download here: http://bit.ly/29D8M4Z

    This map was made on Fathom using the glitch to get out of the basic map boundaries (not Glacier, it just made me pick one of the forge canvas). Mr Pokephile provided the sea floor canvas.

    This is a hide and seek map I made a while ago. I wanted to come back to edit it so that the forge hub community can play it as well. I wanted to take a break from making remakes, so this ended up happening.

    The lonely abyss is far from being abandoned as something is dropped off into the dark cave. There is something unsettling as an alarm goes off near you and your fellow spartans. Run out of safe haven into the open sea bottom to find rotted floating corpses. Shuffle through the foliage and go around the broken buildings to make your presence disappear from the sea monster who lurks to feed upon your spartan flesh.

    I would love to hear the feedback from the forging community on this map.

    - Thank you


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