1. HHH Arena Full

    The Cageybee007
    2016-03-22 (1).png

    So, here is an updated version of my map with a few of the kinks worked out. Aside from aesthetic differences, the basic concept remains the same as before, although now there are 3 new additions:

    - The red team can now spawn cover for a limited time by pressing buttons attached to the center pillar
    - The blue team has 1 more tool up their sleeve: once per round they can make the corners converge towards the center (seen in the video in more detail)
    - Speed bumps will spawn in over time to ensure the driving remains interesting for the red team down below

    Round length was also shortened to 90 seconds just to make them more fast paced. Here is an overview of the mode:

    GT: The Cageybee007
    Map: HHH Arena Full
    Mode: Hungry Hungry Hippos
    Mabolsa Ritchie likes this.
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