
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Jack Bell
    From your spawn you can take the immediate ramp at your 12 to go for the snipe directly in from of you, but beware of cross shots from the opposing team or run toward the camouflage at bottom mid and flank. the name of the game is usually top control but a skilled team will be able to attack the top and retreat to the safer bottom level and regroup before the next spawn.

    Hexik is the crowd favorite FFA map. Lobbies fill up for 8 player FFA HCS settings on this map. The layout is simple, two flat levels with a large bottom and small top half. The map has tons of paths from bottom to top and vice versa. The map has two snipers and is built for 1v1 2v2 4v4 or as mentioned 8 player FFA. here is link to an 8 player FFA to show what its like:

    With so many different sight-lines and routes it will take you more than a few game s to figure out all the available movement options in this labor of love.

    This is just one of a series or maps built by I LoTuS I to showcase tournament quality maps for competitive play. If you are looking for a change of pace in your competitive customs these maps will fit your needs.

    I LoTuS I Map Suite:
    A Lil' Wider
    Power Tower

    More to come...
    - please send friend requests for custom games on custom maps anytime: I LoTuS I


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