Helms Deep 1.0


Map Description

  1. BarredGenie
    "The cold steel mixed with a rain of arrows will heed no warning. The orc war machine will roll over this land if you do not stop it. Do not allow them to overtake this fort, as this may reside as our final refuge. You, the soldier, are the only thing that will win this war, so step forth a man, or die trying." There's a Lord of the Rings sounding comment I hope.

    This is my attempt at making Helms Deep in Halo 5. This is obvious to anyone who is a Lord of the Rings fan, but this map is based off of a fort called Helms Deep, which was attacked by orcs.

    Update (May 13, 2016) entails texture changes, and lighting. Placed fire pits for lighting. Added textures from the new update. Also made the bridge more burned in the middle.

    The blade is obviously the energy sword, and the bow is the rail gun with a slightly slowed reload. There is an overshield on the bridge, a speed boost in the fort, and a damage boost at the orc (blue) base. The premise of the map is simple: Get the bomb to the mine opening in the top as the orcs (blue team) and the humans (red team) stop them. There is a gravity hammer as well. Gametype= Helms Deep Assault. GT: RevengeOfGenie. Hope you enjoy.
    MultiLockOn likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Forgive me as I'm big on aesthetics and an avid LOTR fan so Im very picky. Overall of course great concept as helms deep is one of my favorite maps to see in halo as it plays well with assault. You have a good layout down, however I would like to see more detail. As it is, it looks a little empty and as we see from the movies the whole keep is supposed to feel gritty and weathered. I feel that you could take some more time to iron out the aesthetics to match the movie more, i.e. The tower doesn't quite look right (more dome like on top) and maybe add more rocks or decals to spice it up. Also, again focusing on the movie, there were no catapults or siege towers so that seems out of place. Maybe you could script in ladders to spawn at a certain time like in the movie or possibly make a simple Orc-like structure where you want the orcs to spawn instead of the siege tower look. again, overall good look, I just would like to see more details that match the movie as this is one of my favorite franchises of all time.
  2. Purely awesome.


  1. BarredGenie

    BarredGenie Forerunner
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    Thanks. It turned out cool to me. The only thing is that the red team can grab the ball.
  2. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    Nerd! I mean cool, ya, cool. :)

    From what I currently see in the few photo's posted, I would have to agree with @CaptainDireWolf.

    Keep up the good work.
  3. BarredGenie

    BarredGenie Forerunner
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  4. AncientForger

    AncientForger Legendary

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    Maybe add some more pictures to help us see what the inside of the keep looks like or any other cool features you included? Overall looks good. Maybe add more cover (rocks or something) for the orcs to use. Otherwise it might be tough for them to make it to the keep without getting decimated.
  5. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Why the pipes connecting the broken wall? Isn't that broken? For access you could just use short man cannons. Also there is no cover on the wall? This map feels about 75% complete.
  6. BarredGenie

    BarredGenie Forerunner
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    BarredGenie updated Helms Deep 1.0 with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. BarredGenie

    BarredGenie Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    BarredGenie updated Helms Deep 1.0 with a new update entry:

    Lighting and textures.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    In reply to the update, I still feel the map looks incomplete. On the long wall or bridge, there is no wall to overlook as if they were defending. Iconic for the "or should I get you a box". I would still ditch the pipes and maybe add broken pieces to get across if you don't want cannons. If you have the blown up wall, then it should be blown up. All due respect, it takes away from the authenticity of what I feel you are trying to accomplish. If you want your own spin on something as iconic as this, then I would advise you to say it's inspired by helms deep and name it something else. I am particular about themed maps, because they are my specialty.

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