Hey Forgehub (those of you left),
This is a big, big update for the map. I went in and tested the original version for 2's, 4's, and all kinds of things in between, and came to an unsettling realization. Too much of the fighting was occurring in the SMG corner, and no one was venturing over to the binary outcropping on the right side of the bell housing. The bottom of the map wasn't viable as a spawning area, a getaway area, anything at all, no one was going out into the graveyard to grab the sentinel beam, and blue spawn was placed in the reddest part of the map.
Put simply, the map was one-dimensional, and all the work I put into crafting the environment was going to waste.
But I knew it was workable - I knew what was important and what wasn't, from an aesthetics standpoint - and I knew what needed to be done to make the most vertical and interesting areas of the map more viable. Luckily, the vast majority of the base geometry I'd laid down for the original also catered to the new vision. So, after watching a couple old test videos and a live testing session (thanks @brusky0086), I sat down and addressed the major issues. Below is a list of the changes, and why they were made.
// Weapons //
`` Sentinel Beam Padded in Graveyard - 85%, 140 second respawn
`` Needler Padded in Needler Passage - 1 clip, 90 second respawn
` SMG Padded in SMG Corner - 1 clip, 110 second respawn
`` 3x Lightrifle in Lava Room, Mid-Mid Outcrop, Stained Glass - 2 clips, 110 second respawn
` 3x Magnum in Forgotten Corner, Stained Glass, Bell Hall - 2 clips, 30 second respawn
`` DamageBoost now spawns at new Pillar Ledge above Top Mid
` All three grenade types spawn individually along various pathways based on their suitability for that area of the map
// Pathing //
x Cathedral Death Pit minimized: too many accidental deaths, not conducive to scoring and player momentum. Covered over with new pathing, but still may come into play for the very clumsy.
x Stairs removed in Cathedral Hall. Replaced with crouchjump to top-mid walkway. Spreads out pathing, gives players extra choices, makes for more layered encounters.
`` New Pathing from Stained Glass up to Forgotten Corner - branches to the broken top-mid walkway as well as the Forgotten Corner. Compliments the above edit by offering a hard route that then gives players a safer choice to challenge top-mid or cycle down to weapon spawns - also opens up Forgotten Corner to greater tactical viability.
`` Forgotten Corner connects to previous location of Binary Ledge through a clamber to new Pillar Ledge. Many new paths in this area. Various height advantages gained, geometry serves as cover for Forgotten Corner/Needler Passage, as well as provides access to new vertical position (DamageBoost Spawn). Shielding for spawns, new outcroppings to challenge cross-mid positions. Binary Ledge is now Mid-Mid Outcrop - connects to Pillar Ledge / DamageBoost Spawn.
`` Bell Hall/Mausoleum now connects both Lava Room and Mid-Mid Outcrop. More options for engagements, disengagements, and re-engagements using verticality and pathing.
`` Fallen Bell/Bottom Mid now has extra path up to Mid-Mid Outrcrop. Bottom Mid is now a viable getaway area/path through the map. Choice available among Needler Passage, Mid-Mid Outcrop, Cathedral Passage, and clamber to SMG Corner.
// Aesthetics //
Cathedral Lighting and Setting completely overhauled:
`` New Stained Glass feature with homage to Saint Demon Slayer
`` New Lighting to compliment Stained Glass colors
`` New Heavy Doorway feature
` Updated Lighting intensity and rebound brightness
` Updated Rockslide feature
` Updated Deathpit feature
x Removed Boulder feature
x Removed Rounded Knave feature
Lighting Overhaul in open areas to reduce Red Team camouflage advantage - more Beige, Sand, and Yellow environmental fill lights
+ weak green point lights to weapon pad locations (may change after competition) since pads are hidden under floors
+ lighting and sounds to Lava Room to up readability and immersion
+ pyre feature behind Mausoleum Stalactites; more Hell for your Bells
+ natural archways, paths, and outcroppings between Mausoleum and Forgotten Corner.