Apologies in advance for the quality on the YouTube video, I didn't make it, that's just the only video with this map. It is also an older version of the map I never posted, but the updates are in a section that isn't used much in the video.
This is a large, semi symmetrical, city styled map. Players spawn on either side of a large building that cannot be passed through, with their flags on either side of the middle wall. Connected to the base building, are two more which make up Top Mid and a tower at the center of the map. Going further will lead to an outdoor construction site with vehicle friendly terrain.
Game play revolves around getting around the map to the other base and back again, with three main ways of doing so. Generally the easiest way is over the adjacent building, but it leaves you exposed to the enemy team. There is also a tunnel that stretches under the map. It is a longer option, but you won't need to worry about getting picked off from afar. The third option is to take a vehicle all the way around. It can be time consuming, but it can overwhelm an unprepared defense.
Generally, games played on this map tend towards a deadlock reminiscent of Avalanche from Halo 3 that teams need to think cleverly to break. With balanced teams, they end up close matches, with the occasional flag trade. This leads to opposing flag carriers looking right at each other through the window, an event I was hoping for when designing the map.
All in all, Harlequin is a fun Big Team map to put on with any sort of large lobby. The concept and layout are easy to grasp, and you can have some exciting matches with funny moments on it. Follow the download link if you're interested, and I hope you enjoy it.