HARD JUMP 1 v. 1.1


Map Description

  1. KevinPDZ
    Gamertag: KevinPDZ

    v.1.1 UPDATE: There were apparently some spawn issues. I hopefully have fixed the issue. If spawning issues still persist, let me know.

    This is my first Halo 5 forge map. It is called Hard Jump.

    Hard Jump is a puzzle level that has spartans jumping from one object to the next, all the way throughout the Alpine canvas. It starts at an easy difficulty, and progressively gets more difficult as each checkpoint is passed.

    There are 8 UNSC checkpoints to teleport from at the start of the map, just in case things get to difficult. You can restart from the checkpoint you last left off on if you die, or you can begin a new checkpoint if a section is too difficult.

    Default recommended gametype is slayer. Highly recommended time limit set to infinite with instant respawn time to allow players to take their time completing the course, and to recover quickly from the numerous deaths from falls that players will endure.

    NOTE: The name of the fileshare map is "Hard Jump 1".

    I hope to make more of these in the future with the different canvases if the reception is positive.

    Let me know what you guys think. :)

Recent Reviews

  1. Wasn't a bad map, could have been better though. where as its rather hard in some places its easy but after awhile its just plain boring


  1. iParanormal

    iParanormal Member
    Forge Critic

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    Just tried playing with a few friends but you have no neutral spawns. Get some neutral spawn points in it and it will be playable.
  2. KevinPDZ

    KevinPDZ Legendary

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    Thank you for letting me know. I will put in neutral spawns in as soon as I can.

    Does the neutral spawns only affect free-for-all slayer? Does team slayer work?

    It's weird, because I was able to play the map on custom matches when I tested it out prior to putting it up on ForgeHub.
  3. KevinPDZ

    KevinPDZ Legendary

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    Ok. I updated the map. There were neutral spawns, but I forgot to assign the different slayer gamemodes to it, such as free-for-all, standard, etc. Hopefully it should work now. Let me know if it does not again.

    SMACKYY Legendary

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    block markups not found in red?
  5. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I really liked these kind of maps back in Reach, I'll definitely download and give you my feedback when I can :)

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