4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Jack Bell
    GT= I LoTuS I

    Haptic is an original symmetrical design that has an organic flow with long sight-lines across specific areas of the map. With multiple paths to each location player choice is KING. With a basic layout the typical paths are what most players will gravitate towards initially, the seasoned player who has played the map a few times will notice the available movement options and sneaky locations they can ambush their prey, this one has legs...

    Slayer and CTF are what this map was designed around. I had the idea of bringing a CE vibe map to Halo 5 with the focus on team shooting and position control. Haptic has limited power weapons and just a couple rifles per team so the focus is on teamwork more than power grabs. This map is competitive-play focused and tested.

    I have been updating the map with mostly aesthetic upgrades, when you get the chance during the hectic gameplay look up! I have been building the skybox to give the map a feeling of a cityscape under construction, with towering skyscrapers over Green/Yellow corner and cranes stopped mid construction it feels like this is a small location in New Mombasa.

    1x Camo - Top Mid platform
    1x Railgun - Bottom Mid platform
    2x Battle Rifle - Green and Yellow tower
    2x Carbine - Blue/Red Tunnel
    2x Storm Rifle - Blue/Red Yard
    2x SMG - Top Base Sneaky

    Please add me for play testing of any forge maps.

    Updated 02/05/16 with new detail/geo

    I LoTuS I
    Deevius Bone and leegeorgeton like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Krazykrakr Krazykrakr
    You can really tell how much thought you put into this map just by stopping and looking up at the background. Not only that it plays very well and is extremely balanced. There isn't a single point of the map that makes you feel like its overpowered. To me this is very reminiscent of how halo maps use to be and that's what made the series what it is. Great job!
  2. Too Perfect Too Perfect
    Great balanced aesthetic throughout. Attention to detail is evident, and the sight-lines can't be beat. // No one side of the map is the choke-point so balanced gameplay and movement is rewarded here.


  1. Dorque Fu

    Dorque Fu Guest

    Damn, This and Delinquent look really great. Good work! Can't wait to play on these.
    Jack Bell likes this.
  2. Jack Bell

    Jack Bell Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Thank you for the comment. Please let me know what you think after you play them.
  3. Too Perfect

    Too Perfect Legendary

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    I really enjoy the balanced feel of this map. There are plenty of little hidden nooks and crannies here that reward a player's attention to their surroundings and I love the fact that no one part of the map is a choke-point for all the action.

    I've admittedly not really played around as much in the middle and bottom tunnels but you can tell there was a lot of attention to detail and a competitive-player's mindset in building this map for 2's of 4's play.

    Can't wait to try some more CTF on it as well!
    Jack Bell likes this.

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