Halo infinite Streets

4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Aux
    Note: Halo 5 doesn’t have a fov slider unless you mod one in on PC so the map may look slightly different if you play on higher fov in halo infinite

    I made this map for a couple of reasons. My friend wanted me to see me recreate an infinite map in halo 5 forge.

    I wanted to let my forge skills stretch it’s limbs after not forging for a while. Getting prepared for the forge that’s to come

    This also might be good way to test out suggestions on the map streets that could be made to 343 since we don’t have Halo infinite forge yet. Like weapon placements or map changes.

    I also wanted to see what Halo 5 game play would be like on an Halo infinite map as well as try out weapons that are currently not in infinite.

    I placed weapons that resembled the weapon selection in halo infinite as close as possible

    The map is to scale (as close as I could get it). The map was also built in 4 days.

    How I built it: I used two screens and played Halo infinite on one screen and played Halo 5 forge on the other screen. All on the same PC.

    Halo 5: Forge is free on the PC. And of course if you have Xbox you can also view it there too. You can find the map when you search my GT: DeadCassette. It’s called

    “Halo infinite Streets”

    There is also a game type I made that mimics Halo infinite's movement. It’s called

    “Halo infinite FFA”

    Both the map and game type are bookmarked and in my files. For whatever reason you don’t see the name “Halo infinite Streets” then it’s the first file that says “parallax” in my files.

    Change the toggle to teams on if you want regular team slayer.

    Let me know what you guys think of how I did on the map. This was a fun little project to do. It was interesting to see how the map design worked with Halo 5.

    here is a short preview of the map:

    Full walk through here

    fame28 and Cardnal like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. FTG Insanity FTG Insanity
    This is awesome!


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