
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Aozolai
    ATTENTION. This is a hybrid remake/remix of "Guardian" from Halo 3. It is structurally modified to fit Halo 5's gameplay and will not work with Halo 3 Classic game-modes. Some sightlines and tactical areas are different. Nonetheless, I made sure that the 'Guardian feel' remained. In addition to this, there was no goal of making a theme for the map's structures. Instead, the primary focus was strictly on nature/greenery aesthetics. You might like it, or not, but it plays awesome in Custom Games, and that was the whole reason why I remade this map, for the gameplay.


  1. TimeDipper

    TimeDipper Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nice looking map! You used the rocks very well to create a foundation to hold up the levels structures. However I have some feedback, well more like suggestions.

    1) The Stronghold post looks a bit strange floating in mid air. If your intension is to put it out of players sight maybe put it bellow hammer spawn and then stretch the capture cylinder up so you can capture it from either top mid or hammer spawn. It would essential create a unique scenario which requires teamwork to capture one location. Again, just a suggestion.

    2) Maybe turn around some of the floor blocks (like the ones at 13:00 in your video) to make it more flush/smooth.

    I look forward to see how this map evolves. I love Guardians. Thanks for the contribution fellow forger.
    Melted Universe likes this.

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