"Metropolis" was created and is still updated by Lord Nojang, or XxLordNojangxX on Xbox, and feasibleboat753 was allowed to decorate his small house by the gun store. This Map Features a new play style called "NeverBored" in which a player having the best time enjoying the map will not get bored as opposed to a regular match-made gametype. My Map has Apartments and Houses, which all but one house designed by myself. The other house is created by feasbleboat753, the co-forger of the map. The map took 3 days just to plan out the streets and forge them, at a cheap budget due to Halo 5's limits, which we had to work with. A couple weeks of work and the map was ready to play. The map is getting continual updates as forge improves, and hopefully another big update will release in the future. Fun Fact: GTA Metropolis is the 10th map of the GTA Halo 5 Series. Put on the Gamemode "GTA Superjumps" for an experience of jet-packs and speed boost taylor-made for the Map, or if you want a full experience, try the GTA gamemode or GTA Gangwars. Notable Locations: Apartments, Nojang's House, The Park, The Gun Store, The Basketball Court, and much more.