GTA Metropolis 2

8v8 Custom

Map Description

  1. LordNojang
    This is the newest installment to the GTA Halo Series, forged by the top members of the HFC Halo Forge Club, and the successor to the top-of-the-line Metropolis 1 map. This map features coverage of all 4 corners of Tidal, including a Military Base, Civilian Islands, a City and a peaceful Spawning Area, but watch out for the Continental Artillery Missile, or CAM Gun off the coast of Spawn Island. It will kill the person closest to the gun, no matter what vehicle or building is in it's way. This map features it's own Weather Cycle as well as some fun sounds for spawning and getting gas (to name a few). This map goes through regular Check-ups and bug fixes as the team improves our tech. Make sure you play this map with 16 people or max load to get the best results. Remember, Every GTA Halo Map Has Secrets...
    Red Hunter likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Red Hunter Red Hunter
    great map very chaotic with 16


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