1. The third update

    Probably the biggest update to the map yet, everything has had some minor edits.
    -Rotated the whole map so the shadows are closer the GoW: UE version of the map.
    -Added a lot of vegetation all over the map.
    -Edited the colour of many objects on the map.
    -Changed the material of several objects.
    -Replaced 2 barrels with exploding barrels.
    -Removed the invisible blockers covering the bushes.
    -Flipped many objects to provide more colour for the map.
    -Lowered the heigh of the map so it's close...
  2. The second update

    This update brings more changes to map, covering almost everything.
    -Added several weather effects to the map.
    -Rebuilt some areas of the map to increase the Light
    -Added power weapons with a single clip for Breakout.
    -Replaced the trees with bushes.
    -Rotated a few of objects to better colour the map.
    -Lowered most (If not, all) Spawn and Initial Spawn points to ground level.
  3. The first update

    This update brings a massive amount of changed to the map, from physical, spawning and aesthetic changed.
    -Changed the majority of the objects colour to match surrounding.
    -Fixed the spawning for all gamemodes.
    -Physically changed the "blocky" turn from each Spawning area to be rounded to better match the classic Gears map.
    -Added more lights to combat some of the dark areas.
    -Moved some objective locations to better balance out gameplay.
    -Added more invisible blockers to prevent players...