Gravitas (v8)

1v1 Slayer

Map Description

  1. icyhotspartin


  1. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    5 spawn points in a Halo game is aweful. Learn the few spawn points is not fun or remotely balanced. Spawning into your death is not fun, engaging, balanced, etc. No good way to counter makes it kind of fun for one player and not fun for the other. You should aim for it to be fun for both players. Please add more spawns.
    icyhotspartin likes this.
  2. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    It is full of awe ;)

    In all seriousness, while I understand and recognize the criticism, I will respectfully decline at this moment in time. I have tested the map out for hours, in multiple forms and formats, and can say without a doubt that the number of spawns it has right now is balanced for competitive play - two players of just about the same skill will have a very tense match. The map is intended to be lived in and understood, played quickly but tactically, as far as gameplay is concerned. If that changes with more testing, then yes, I will change it, but until that happens, please give it a whirl. I guarantee that spawning players have more than enough at their disposal to counter the opponent.
    ExTerrestr1al likes this.
  3. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    For clarification, the only thing on this map that can make it un'fun' is if you miss a jump or fall between the crack on the high cliff face - both of which are your own fault, given the amount of testing the flow/geometry have received. In fact, in standard HCS settings, you have 0 excuses for missing a jump because of clamber and Spartan Abilities.

    Not to mention, the map is intended for the 1v1 competition, which will be played without motion-tracker or AR, which are by far the best settings for the map, though having a motion-tracker hardly detracts from the gameplay quality given the standard spawntimes.
  4. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    To each his own, just my 2 cents.
    GreyMuffinBass and icyhotspartin like this.
  5. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    actually you know what, I am going to overhaul spawning and weapons
    but there will still be like only 6
    thanks for bringing it up
  6. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
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    For 1's, you don't need spawning at the scale that 4's or even 2's might need. While I see that only 5 could potentially put the defending player at a disadvantage during respawn times, this is a situation where I'd have to look at all the variables before jumping to that kind of conclusion just because it falls in that grey zone.

    For future reference, you'll want a respawn system that allows for enough prediction that you have an idea what your opponent might do when they respawn but allow for a level of unpredictability that makes for interesting and different scenarios.
    icyhotspartin likes this.
  7. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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    Can you do a summer version?
  8. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    Yeah that's kinda what I was going for - I will be overhauling the map and releasing a new version this evening, so watch for it!

    I could try, but prefabbing this thing is gonna be a *****, plus I'd have to replace all the ice blocks.. I'll see what I can do, maybe a 343 DLC style revamp or remix
    ZombieDyer likes this.
  9. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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    okie dokie c:
  10. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Played on this, it suffered from some dipping frame rate issues and the spawning was predictable quickly. You really need to double the spawns. On a 1v1 you will always have an idea of where they should spawn, but this was pretty much spawn killing. Your frame drops are likely due to the amount of pieces loading into the player view, there are many areas that could be one piece instead of two to fix it.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 27, 2017 ---
    The Spartan Laser is not a desirable weapon to pick up in a 1v1, whether it had 1 shot or 4 would not change this.

    Interesting layout though.
    icyhotspartin likes this.
  11. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    Yeah, I've taken care of the laser, replaced it with brute plasma, and changed a couple other things here and there

    As far as objects, I'm dealing with that later today

    Spawning.. it's still at 5 but I'll be adding one or two tonight, and changing locations

    I'm also opening up the building a little bit to help with duels
  12. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    New version with spawns, weapons, etc has been linked!
    try it out, read the manual above, or ask me any questions, if you have them
    will release an official 'update' on Thursday because it won't let me update the map page right now
  13. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    We now have a working "Fire" based version of the "Gorn Ball" (we still need a better name for this lol

    We've worked out some bugs, and added new desirable features to its behavior, which solve certain gameplay problems, like a person being able to tag players by just carrying the ball around, or that it didn't work perfectly in FFA.

    There will be a long boring post about how all this was put together at some point, but yeah...!
    icyhotspartin likes this.
  14. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    icyhotspartin updated Gravitas (v7 onward) with a new update entry:

    Gravity (temp name)

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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