
3v3 Assault

Map Description

  1. Tanix
    One of many shielded sites built deep under an ocean on Delta Halo that stores logs of the Forerunners who fell to the flood.

    Inspired by the aesthetics of Halo 2 maps like Waterworks, Graveland is built as a mirror symmetrical classic map and contains no jumps that require armor abilities or sprint. Works best for 3v3 objective modes but can push 4v4. Slayer is best for 2v2. Made for fast paced Assault and Capture the Flag matches on classic gametypes that I've created to suit the H2 adaptation, which can be found in my bookmarks under:
    H2 Multi-Flag
    H2 Assault
    H2 Slayer
    I cannot attach links to the modes due to my Waypoint not cooperating

    Take note
    The maps I build in classic formats are scaled and balanced to the settings in my custom game types and will not play as intended on other modes


  1. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

    Likes Received:
    Hey man. I really enjoyed this map, both art and play. Good work!

    Tanix likes this.

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