Custom Gametype
Goron City is a location from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It is located in a cave near the top of Death Mountain in the northeast corner of Hyrule. It can be accessed by climbing the Death Mountain Trail from Kakariko Village. Goron City is inhabited by the Goron, and ruled by their chief, Darunia. (source:
All of the Gorons have disappeared, but it is not forsaken. What inhabits this strange looking place, only you can find out.
This is the next area I wanted to do from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (LOZ:OOT). Goron City connects to the Lost Woods from one of the pathways in the hypnotic maze. This is not quite an exact replica of Goron City. There is no hole in the floor in the lava room because I did not really think anybody would be able to get over there without using the hookshot, like in the actual game (stupid excuse, but I was running out of blocks).
4-16 Players
The Infection gamtype is called Goron Infection.
The gametype is a basic Infection with all the same settings except, the Infected have 190% jump height.
This map is a little different from my LOZ:OOT maps, because I have added guns into the map (no grenades).
So if you like what you see, and you love LOZ: OOT, go ahead and give it a download. I always appreciate feedback from the forging community.
-Thank you!