
Map Description

  1. RaggedJack
    This is a semi functional recreation of Goldshire from World of Warcraft. The map is aesthetic at its core but can also be used in various forms of Slayer and to a lessor extent Super Fiesta.





    Many of the windows within the Inn can be opened and closed by using the switch on the second floor.


    I started this project in July and have been working extensively on it in the last few months.

    Hopefully a few people have a blast playing on it.
    Murloc, Ryouji Gunblade and D4rkDeath like this.


  1. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I already love this! I am a long time WoW player and this looks so great! I can't wait to walk around on it! Also, your link only brought me to your profile, but not to the map or your content.
  2. Murloc

    Murloc Legendary
    Senior Member

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    You need to make a Moon Guard version of this now.

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