1. Feedback from max extra lobby

    Jack Bell
    With all the great feedback from the test lobby I immediately had to get to work and finish this map.

    - I got rid of the weapon pad OS and replaced with normal OS. Truly it was a test because I like HCE's static power up times (being an old CE junky) but it just doesn't work with he visual issue in h5.

    - now it's 1 shotty clip and 30 second after drop spawn. Was trying a minute with more ammo, didn't work.

    - moved the BR to a leaning position on the outside gold wall of the elbows to encourage less "campy" behavior and pop with more contrast to the map.

    - I removed the red and blue Japanese emblems from the teleporters in basement and the front of each base. It too up 42 pieces between the 4 of them. I loved them but they killed the framerate.

    - I used those pieces to add to the rxteriot scenery which allowed me to open the elbow Windows and allow you to admire the view
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